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Hey everyone!

This is the next part in our Palace series. We started with the Royal Throne Room and decided to build out the rest of the palace around it. The next part was the Palace Outer Court which covered the moat, the stables, the gatehouse and the areas for the retainers and riffraff to go.

This area is the Inner Court which leads up from the top of the Outer Court map. This area is for the royal family and their closest entourage and servants. At the top of the 2nd floor is the entrance to the Royal Throne Room. The rest of the map is opulent bedrooms, bathrooms and banqueting halls.

We will be releasing a final part of this set which covers the area to the north of this map which is the level that sits below and around the Royal Throne Room, that'll be where soldiers quarters are, poised and ready to rush into the Throne Room at any moment.

A final call to say that today we'll be closing our promo tier for our new Czepeku Scenes project and posting our first splash art! We're really excited! If you want the permanent life time discount it'll be available for the next few hours (until Cze wakes up again). We're on less than 30 slots left right now! Please go check it  out!


Get the map files using the links below:

Palace Inner Court - $1 Rewards

Palace Inner Court - $3 Rewards

Palace Inner Court - $5 Rewards (Gridded)

Palace Inner Court - $5 Rewards (Gridless)


This week's map variations:




I literally just introduced my party to the throne room and had to avoid showing other parts of the castle due to a lack of maps...talk about good timing!

Duckling Duckins

love it, the blood river one and winter are very nice


This past Thursday we had a battle (of a magical construct gone bad) in the Outer Court! This map could not have come at more opportune moment! I suspect we will venture into the Inner Court in our next session! Thank you! Thank you!

George Vosloo

Is there a Larger area map for this?