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Hey everyone!

First things first: thank you all so much for supporting our work in 2022 and for being part of this community! It really does mean the world to us that you support our work and enable us to live this dream of ours.

We want to say a super special thank you to the 6 patrons who signed up to us on our very first week way back in January 2019 and are still patrons now! It's surreal to think how far we've come since then.

We created a lot of maps in 2022. 41 map packs and about 816 variations in total! We'd love to know which of our maps was your favourite from 2022 (any from the River Stronghold until the Steam Factory), let us know in the comments or on the Discord!



Some of you might have seen this already but we recently updated https://www.czepeku.com/ and it now has updated search functionality so you can use tags, words and themes to find the map you're looking for. For example if you want to run a desert campaign or you're taking your party across the seas. Hopefully this makes it a lot easier to search our 4000+ maps. 

There's still some new features and accessibility issues to complete but if you have suggestions to make the website even better, please let us know in the comments. We really want to help you run your sessions as easily as possible.


We mentioned this in our last post but throughout 2022 we were wavering around 3-4 maps per month and this year we're going to aim for 4-5. We just have so many ideas for themes we want to create and we get messages daily asking to cover specific ideas and we want to create all of them! So let's see how that goes!


All the PDFs and VTT modules should be update to date any mintute now, the map ledger is fully up to date thanks to our wonderful volunteer team, we've updated our FAQ and our commercial licence, fixed broken links and lots of other little improvements. :)


You might know this by now but Czepeku now has 3 sister projects that we've created:

Borough Bound makes huge city battlemaps, music, lore, NPCs, plot hooks and more. We've completed 10 cities now and we're brainstorming some great themes for 2023. The idea behind Borough Bound is to give you everything you need for urban adventures and encounters. Check it out here. And if you want to check out the content, here's a free preview of one of our releases.

Hyperdrive Fleet for our gorgeous sci-fi battlemaps. So far we've been focusing on spaceships but we just released a submarine and there'll be mechs, trains and other space age planetary buildings and settings coming in 2023. Check it out here.

Alchemy RPG which is a beautiful, brand new, free virtual tabletop we're helping to create. Version 1 is expected around March but it's already up and running if you want to give it a spin. New features are coming every week. Please try it out and let us know what you think. And if you're curious about it but not ready to switch over yet you can check out our Youtube channel for devlogs or join the Discord.

The idea behind Alchemy RPG is to create the most intuitive and immersive platform we can, so you can focus on roleplaying. We want to remove any obstacles that the less tech savvy would normally not understand. It's just like getting friends around a table. :)


What's coming in 2023?

Czepeku Scenes - We polled everyone about this back in October asking if you want splash art of our maps and a staggering 92% of you said YES!

Our plan is to release 4-5 splash art pieces per month, each of which will be an alternate view of one of our maps from the perspective of a character or a party arriving at the scene. That way you can prime the characters before they arrive at the battle stage.

We've already made a landing page. So you can sign up now if you want (you won't be charged until we start releasing content) or wait until we launch. But there's a promo tier ($3 down from $5) with limited spaces that we're going to run until February. We've also made a post that you can leave suggestions on already, if you want to hop right in. We hope to launch sometime in February!

Mystery Project - This is a BIG one! We want to present a whole new way to play RPGs and we're super excited to show you what we've got planned. It'll hopefully be coming around March time and we'll be dropping updates on it between now and then. 

We're keeping information on this pretty close to our chest but if we've piqued your curiosity you can sign up to our mailing list here, that way you'll get updated when we launch. And when we launch, the first 500 who joined will get a discount. We'll also be using the mailing list to show updates across all the fun projects we're working on as well as doing raffles for RPG books and other content and coupons, promo codes and all that good stuff. :)





Oh and I should say that we're not settled on the name 'Czepeku Scenes' and we're looking for suggestions, so if you have one please tell us!!


Thank YOU for an amazing year :D Super excited for the future projects :)

Sam Kahle

You guys and your team are making incredible things across all your projects, and we all really appreciate it! Thanks! Happy new year!


I love this news, it seems that you are full of enthusiasm and ideas! Awesome! Happy New Year!

Raphael Lamour

Last year I found your work while I was searching for battlemaps for underdark and was hard to find. Fortunately I found thoses incredibles battlemaps and a vast source of art and inspiration here. I'm glady I found it, one of the best battlemaps in patreon, and I search/follow/pay constantly for this kind of good work! The website is AMAZING! no one other battlemaps artists have sometinhh like that, patreon is awfull to organize and you did a excellent job!


Love the addition of the scenes! Thanks.


Just went down the rabbit-hole of the Alchemy VTT you tagged, holy crap I'm blown away - visually stunning (great integrations with your current work too).

Alex Smith

Is there a way to get codes for the stuff we already have for the alchemy vtt?


Yes! That's a work in progress. We plan to give all our $5+ tier patrons a redemption code for all of our maps on Alchemy. But we're testing any bugs in the redemption code system before we give it like 7000 people at once. Haha.


These are absolutely amazing projects and I wish you that in 2023 all these projects will be the most successful

Unwated Arcana

I've just started checking out Alchemy and I am very impressed. I've recently started planning my next campaign and I may have to build out the opening adventure here just to give it a spin.