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Hey everyone! After a really long time, we're back with a new poll!

You can vote for as many options as you like.

If you're in the Master Cartographer tier or above and have any suggestions for the next poll leave them in the comments below or come join the discussion in the Map Suggestions room on our community Discord! We often get a lot of map ideas from there.

We get so many suggestions these days and there's a max amount of poll options, so i'm sorry if your suggestion isn't on here, we're trying to take the most interesting as well as those we feel like we'd enjoy designing. :)

It may also be that your suggestion isn't on here because we're already making it!


Mima's Husband

It would always be nice to see a bee field or farm with bees. Whatever you decide to create, I'm looking forward to it!


We could definitely add a bee keeper to the village series we're making! I love bees too. :)

Ping Wing

Fun series idea for you would be a set based on a Crystal Castle. Crystal dragon edition


I'm running the Witchlight campaign in the new year, so even though no one else really seems to be voting for it, I really do hope to see circus-type maps from you guys soon! <3


I think the Nine Hells idea is great but I’d much rather see that come up in a Borough Bound map group so that we could get the City of Brass or Dis as a collection, etc.


I've really enjoyed your Djinn Gardens, Hanging Gardens aesthetics lately! If I could have one suggestion, I would say more maps in this style, or perhaps an interior almost dungeon-style of the Hanging Gardens palace. Keep up the good work!


PLEASE Feywild palace! That would be so awesome and useful.

Gavin Runeblade

If you do the crystal caves, gotta make them like those extreme selenite caves in Mexico where the crystals are 30-feet long. https://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/earth/geology/mexico-giant-crystal-cave.htm


I'd love a dark/unseelie vibe feywild palace! It's hard to find that kind of content

Eliot Miller (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 15:26:54 I think more people need to google what a Motte & Bailey is...More Iron Age fantasy! I'll take a celtic hillfort too!
2022-12-15 19:48:27 I think more people need to google what a Motte & Bailey is...More Iron Age fantasy! I'll take a celtic hillfort too!

I think more people need to google what a Motte & Bailey is...More Iron Age fantasy! I'll take a celtic hillfort too!

Christopher Belz

THE NINE HELLS! There's not enough maps that are easily adaptable to the Abyss and the Nine Hells! More please!


Including the beekeeper would make it a beautiful map... since beauty is in the eye of the bee holder.