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Hey everyone!

We designed this with input from the Discord server, so thanks for everyone who chipped in for that! :)

This is meant to depict the ruins of an old water temple, the endless vase still decanting water in the dry desert millennia later. We hope this can act as a mysterious oasis within an inhospitable desert. Perhaps for those who've just crossed the Antlion Canyons.

We're thinking of making an version of this map set thousands of years earlier, when the temple was full and the desert was instead a lush plain. Let us know if you'd enjoy that!

Also, thanks so much to everyone who sent messages about this post and Borough Bound in general! We've almost doubled our patron count for that project since I made the post about it. As a sneak peak we're about to finish our latest city, the dwarf city of Vyndurvoht. Here's how it's looking so far:


Get this week's files using the links below:

Desert Ruins - $1 Rewards

Desert Ruins - $3 Rewards

Desert Ruins - $5 Rewards


Here's this week's map variation lineup:




Please make a flashback. It would be amazing!

Eli levinger

hi :) where can i find the bottom maps ?

Ogo Sylla

Would LOVE map of this oasis from years before when it was a lush area. I say this selfishly as I'm setting up a similar scene in my current Desert campaign so it'd be perfect for me :P

Josh Chunick

Oh man! This is awesome and perfect timing as my players are in the Woejinn Sea desert right now!


You guys always manage to put out a map that I need right when I need them, very sweet

Tiago Frossard

The more desert content, The better!


Love the flooded variations

Danny Espelo, Van

Yes we would like the historic version


<p style="color: #008600;">Well, I think the idea of making a different version of this map that looks like thousands of years ago is not bad!</p>


Yeah def love the flashback idea.

Dave L

Such a great map, loads of uses. Thanks.


This map pack is great, and the idea of a flashback map to when the ruins were once whole sounds amazing! I'm working on some time travel campaign ideas, so having the same location mapped at different times is really helpful.