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Hey everyone!

This is a follow up to our Airships! pack. Hard to imagine we made that over a year ago now. We'll be making several airship related packs over the coming months, as well as a multi-part release of an Airship Port, similar to how we released the Train Station map packs. First part hopefully coming this month! 

We decided to release these airships solely as transparent PNG files. We thought this way would be better so that they can be used in conjunction with any of the other maps. And there's a ton of different skies in our Mid Air Dragon Flight pack.

All of the ships in this pack were inspired by the idea of micro-shops, floating markets and food stalls. We imagine them zipping around magical steampunk cities and will hopefully give a lot of life to your Sharn-like sky bridges when we release that pack!

These ships are meant to be the life-blood of a sky city: scouts, merchants, libraries, cafes, noodle bars, fishing vessels, mechanics and so on. If you'd like us to make more in this style let us know! We had thought of making a pack of small battle ships and maybe a ship to match each class. Let us know if you'd like that!

Oh, oh and there's a whole set of Czepeku props like barrels, beds, tools, rugs, etc. in our City Streets pack. If anyone feels like designing their own little airship using those, people share them on Discord with us. :)


Get this week's map files:

Airships Part 2 - $1 Rewards

Airships Part 2 - $3 Rewards

Airships Part 2 - $5 Rewards


Here's the lineup of ships:




these ships are amazing and they came in the perfect timing too

Ogo Sylla

Amazing stuff for my Eberron shenanigans! Would love to see class-flavored airships too


the timing cound´t be better, my party is going to water combats next weeks and i needed ships. Thanks!!


Love the Air Ships theyve all been very helpful for my spelljammer campaign, speaking of which I would very much appreciate and I'm certain anyone running a spelljammer or eberron or shipfocused campaign would also appreciate a variation on this sort of release for Spelljammer ships which also triple as aeronautical and aquatic vehicles. you can find dozens of varieties of really interesting spelljammer designs/shapes in 2nd Edition's Spelljammer Captains Companion book as well as the spelljammer wiki. v good inspo for anyone looking as well.


My party just arrived in Sharn so the timing is great! Excited about the upcoming air port.


These are beautiful! Would you ever be able to make a ship that's "nature" themed? Just asking because my players captured a nautiloid and have used their magic to transform it aesthetically into a "tree/flower" style airship, full of vines and flowers and coral, etc. A cool idea though sadly it's hard to find that kind of ship design anywhere.


I'll check out the book for ideas. Do you think these designs would work fine for Spelljammer?


Yup! All these designs work great for spelljammer I'm very excited to use them however they are like first generation spelljammer star ships once they start building ships in space the deisgns get more fun and fanciful so you get thinks like the elven man o war that looks like a butterfly or the squid ship which looks like a flying squid tentacle and then the villainous creatures like the Beholders and Neogi have their own ships etc. Spelljammer is more about giving rules for space travel than it is a specific like setting and all aeronautical vehicles work wonderfully in this version of space. I have a whole like 5e style players guide for the setting/mechanics for my table for this campaign with a few example starships and most of them are first generation ships so again these airships you've given are great.



Dax Levine

These are great. I'd love to see all the "shop" variations with the Elemental Ring propulsion design. My steampunk games are in Eberron, so I'd love it if all the ships matched. Seriously beautiful work!


All of these should work with Eberron. The elemental ring isn't the only propulsion system in that setting, for instance check out the official Skycoach artwork. :)


These airships look amazing, I'm glad you made such a wide variety of them, and I think the idea of battleships is not bad either ...


yesss a nature ship would be amazing for my druid, too!


These are stunning! As someone who'll be running an entire campaign on floating islands in the next year, I'm so glad we're getting more sky content. It's surprisingly hard to find stuff that works. Do you think you'll do any floating ship graveyard type stuff? Big threat in the sky that airships keep flyin' into?


I actually second Dax Lavine's comment for more elemental ring ships variations.Just FYI, Keith Baker mentioned the skycoach rely on manifest zones to work and as such they only exist in places like Sharn (where flight is facilited by the local manifest zone), outside of that the ships in Eberron do need an elemental propulsion system (unless you homebrew it differently).


(Not to put down the mood or anything, just bringing this up regarding Eberron ships because people have asked specifically about it on his blog in his articles about arcane industries and flight in Eberron. The other designs are all lovely but not canon/kanon unless they homebrew it.)


What sort of thing are you hoping for? Like 'dead' ships floating around or something much bigger than that?


You know how Pirates of the Caribbean has that insane ship graveyard of a bunch of ships all crashed together? I've seen the concept used in a few places - and I'd love to see a map made up of crashed airships that've been turned into some sort of floating base!


I’ve got a boss fight coming up at sea against a gnomosh pirate commander, would love to see some sort of steampunk ship or the like.


Ohh, like the floating city/port in Mortal Engines? That seemed like a very interesting setting!

James Jones

cat wizard ships. is that a midnight gospel reference?


These are beautiful! Is there any chance of getting the original airships as transparent images as well?


Some of the original airships have transparent versions. We made those later using the PSDs we had. The ones that aren't available in transparent is because we lost the original files.