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Hey everyone! We wanted to answer a lot of repeating questions here and also share some community news.


First of all, we have an FAQ page in case you're ever stuck and looking for some answers in particular. 

We get about a message a day asking how to connect Patreon and Discord, you can find out how to do that here. We welcome all our patrons to come and chat with us!

Speaking of the Discord we've got an ongoing project making encounter tables for our maps. Here's the result of one of those:

Our goal is to make one for each map so if you've got some fun ideas for encounters you want to share, join us in #community-map-lore (today we're discussing the Island Fort).

Foundry Maps

Recently there was an update to Foundry VTT which meant changing the lighting on all the Foundry-ready maps. We're working on fixing that right now, but to make updating the maps easier in future we're going to be hosting the maps using manifest links on Dropbox, which will make it quicker for Patrons to use them. We'll notify everyone when that's ready. Likely in a week or two.

Map Ledger

We have a spreadsheet that's updated monthly for all our maps, with information on their size, number of variations and more. This is the best way to find information on all the maps at once. If there's anything missing that you think needs to be included mention it in the comments below!

Social Media

Yesterday we set up a new reddit with several other creators to make a better spotlight for new RPG content, if you're a redditor please join us here: /r/tabletopcreations/ 

We also have an /r/czepeku, if you have written adventures or one-shots that use our maps feel free to advertise them there and also post photos or screenshots of the maps in-use from your game sessions, nothing feels so good as seeing people enjoying the maps. :3

Lastly, we run a map-specific Twitter account here, where we run frequent content giveaways for WoTC books, dice and other goodies as well as weekly shoutouts on fridays for upcoming creators and patrons. If you've got an rpg project and you want us to broadcast it, message us there.

Early Bird Patreon Tiers

A few months ago we decided to cap our $1 and $3 tiers. The $1 tier has now sold out. This won't affect anyone who was already a $1 patron but no one else can join at that tier now. The $3 has around 300 slots left, and again that won't affect anyone currently at that tier, but if you're thinking of joining us then just remember places at that tier are limited. :)

Map Remixing Contest

It's been about 6 months since our first community map remixing contest and we'll running another one of those this month! 

We've been sent so many cool fan edits of the maps that it just made sense to host another one. This time we'll be giving out multiple prizes as well as packing up all the submissions as a free downloadable pack of maps afterwards. So get brainstorming for that!

If we we receive a lot of submissions then we'll make these contests a regular occurance in 2021.

Thank You

Last but not least: thanks again to everyone who has supported us as patrons and who have joined us over this tumultuous year. It really means a lot to us! We recently hit 6000 patrons and we've really been blown away by all the support. We hope we've made your lockdowns easier in some way over this difficult time. 




Always happy to support other graphic associates! Keep making great encounter maps.

Josh Rodell

A quick question on the remix contest. I've got a big folder of mixed assets and maps, and almost universally my custom maps end up with a mix of your guys' stuff, 2-Minute Tabletop's stuff, Neutral Party's stuff, etc. Is that okay for this contest, or should it just be your content and original stuff?

Jessie Backoff

Love the spreadsheet! That's beyond helpful! If I could suggest anything on it, in the column that indicates there's an associated adventure, it would be really helpful if it noted the intended level range.


Thanks ! Really helpful to have all links in one post. Will encounters be all gathered at one place or do we have to search for all good ideas in the discord channel ?


It'll have to be solely our content and original as we will be releasing all the submissions afterwards for patrons to download and I don't want NP or 2MT thinking we're stealing their stuff. :p


Once they're all made I was thinking of making a zip of them and posting them here. I'm not sure where else would be best to gather them or make them visible.

Cj Dusky

The spreadsheet is delightful, but I have one request. In the yes/no columns (Dungeon/Eberron/Theros, Torches/Rain/etc) could you put in a value, rather than just coloration? Could be a checkbox, yes/no, an X, etc; this would allow viewers to apply a filter to those columns and even more easily find maps with those categories. If you want to keep the same aesthetic, you could set up conditional formatting; for example, you could set it up so if it says "yes" it changes the color of both the cell and the text to the same yellow or green.


Either on Patreon like this one or one the discord channel indeed. Would be cool :) Very nice content.


Just wanted you to know we've made that change so they all have X now. :)

Cj Dusky

Cool, thank you!