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Hey everyone!

We've got a brilliant new collaboration for you from Humperdink's Wares, Papermage and Loot Tavern. The collaboration uses our Coral Throne map and provides a lot of nautical content.

Within a secluded reef beneath tropical skies lies an ancient palace. In its vast and colourful throne room, the Shark Queen holds court. She is on the brink of re-uniting the oceans' most fearsome foes, the sahuagin, sharkin, and cnidarans, into the Hunter's Conclave.
If she isn't stopped, trade routes will be strangled, city states starved, and island communities cut off from the mainland. The seas will be theirs. You must kill the Shark Queen.

What's in the Box?

A deadly one shot, 10 new monsters (with tokens), 8 illustrated items, 7 original spells, printable paper minis, a new race, a new feat, and a hand drawn map! Read on below.

A Bloody Battle Awaits

This one-shot isn't some evening dip in the jacuzzi. This is a sanguine, three-wave battle designed to seriously test your party's mettle. This is a boss battle playable at three different levels; 5th, 9th, or 14th. Fair warning, if you're worried your squishy wizard has Leeroy Jenkins syndrome and is just gonna rush straight in, run it when you party is a level higher.

There's lore galore and plot hooks aplenty for if you're wanting to write this into your campaign. Plus there are new lair and villain actions to inspire your own boss battles, as well as optional rules for underwater combat and breath holding.


All-new monster art with custom token frames by Loot Tavern. Take on the Shark Queen with her mythic actions!

Paper Minis

For your print and play pleasure, Paper Mage has provided sahuagin and eelshark printable minis and VTT tokens - plus some more sea-inspired characters!.


You won't leave the Coral Court empty handed with eight fully illustrated magic items. What's more, Loot Tavern is providing the printable tarot cards with item mechanics.


Some you might've seen around on Humperdink's Wares before, but there's some new ones such as blood frenzy, riptide, and the bends.

Player Options

Sharkin are an honourable and loyal race that make their home on the border of land and sea. However, honour and loyalty does not preclude brutality; sharkin will often engage in bloody one on one duels - whawhai - to establish their rank within the tribe’s hierarchy.


Last, but by no means least, professional-level cartography from the deft and talented Cze and Peku (that's us!). 


Humperdink's Wares makes the building blocks of your campaign! Downtime activities, adventures, monsters, and mechanics; everything needed to help your world come alive.

Loot Tavern "Welcome to Lootavern adventurer, what'll it be? A tankard of new homebrew races? Or for the more sophisticated pallet we have a growing selection of unique magical item cards? Homebrewed right here, more than 20 a month fully illustrated with descriptions and stats! Or are you here looking for new monster art to sterilize those metagaming pigeons? Here, take a look at our Patreon, err, I mean menu; everything is of the topmost quality."

Paper Mage has made some sweet-ass sahuagin and eelshark artwork that you can cut out into paper minis! He has more than 250 paper miniatures,  including everything from Lost Mine of Phandelver and is currently working his way through Ghosts of Saltmarsh.

Download Links

There's a free basic version available to all patrons in the attachments below and there's an extended version of the adventure available to all $5+ patrons which you can download HERE.




Noticed a minor issue with the humperdink's wares? Doesn't properly extract from a zip file due to the file name being too long- not sure if I'm just missing a simple fix?

Charlie Flickinger

i can't find the VTT tokens for the Shark Queen or any of the ones made by loot tavern...


It worked using 7-zip, but the utility that comes with Windows (right-click > Extract All...) gives me the "file name too long" error.


Where are the mushroom ladies tokens and stat blocks?

Gaëtan Perrault

Yep, the Humperdinck's file names are extremely long. Using Windows zip extraction fails. Please check out 7zip for an alternative that will work. https://www.7-zip.org/

Gaëtan Perrault

This is a super cool idea. I grabbed all of the files, but I can't find the monster tokens you highlighted. There are definitely paper token minis, but there seems to be a disconnect between the minis and the tokens and the creatures in the adventure.

Cj Dusky

I think they may be available from the other creators for patrons. It looks like some of them have additional "patron only" related posts, kind of how the map (coral palace) is free but the variants are not. This release version is basically promo material. But that's just my best guess.

Troy Robinson

Even after using 7 Zip to extract, it says "Problem Opening File - Access Denied." -_-


I'm also having a problem opening the files after extraction. Using 7zip to extract it, the files appear in a folder as a file type I can't open


I am not seeing the item cards for a couple of the magic items, namely the Helm and seashell weapons. I love the flavor of the adventure and look forward to running it

Alex Duplessie

I am not able to open the main adventure PDF - both version give an error, even on redownload. Update: Figured out the issue. The long folder and files names was giving Adobe Acrobat some issues. Shortening them fixed the problem.


Hey everyone, file names have been updated as well as links. Sorry for any confusion caused!


Hey everyone, please try downloading again, hopefully that'll have fixed the issues, both with .7zip and with the file names! :)


Links have been updated, try the link and not the attachment and it should be there.


There's a standard version for all patrons and an extended version for $5+ patrons with extra content.

Charlie Flickinger

Perfect! I'm still having trouble with the map download pack. Nothing in the $5 folder is loading.

Darth Kay'Tahna

So, I notice the Sharkin PC race does not have a normal walking speed listed, only a swimming speed. Does this indicate they cannot walk, or is it just a mistakenly forgotten notation?