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Hey everyone, here's the campaign files for this week's maps. You can get them all in the zip attached below. For those who are new to this tier, the campaign maps are part of an ongoing series of maps, check the Map Room for the previous maps. The images below are previews of what's in the zip file.

You can get all of this week's battlemaps on the main post here.

About this week's campaign map, Trollsunder:

A set of defensive ramparts, walls and cities keeps the rogue and voracious Skawnish people from raiding the north. The clans of Torheim are situated between the Skawn and their pillaging ways to the south and endless ice to the north. They are hardy folk, who hunt deep into the mountains for sustenance. The people of Trollsunder all keep an uneasy alliance, knowing that a war between any one of them would undo the peace earned by keeping the Skawn at bay.

Way out to the North East is the Lost City. Once part of a larger Skyne empire it was lost to a decade of particularly harsh winters. Recent reports have suggested the city is still inhabited although much changed to those who remember it. They says the people have tamed the great Remorhaz and now ride them into the ice plains to hunt Yeti and Giant Ice Bears.

To the North West is the Bridge of Blue Ice. A deep permafrost landbridge connecting this continent with that to the West.

Here's a current look at the world map for reference:

And here's this week's Campaign Notes. I've laid out the different tents, stalls, games and exhibits in case any of them weren't clear. I've also tried to give some interesting characters and scenarios to help set the scene of the festival for your players and make it a little comedic and dark whilst doing so. Enjoy!

Just as a heads-up, this will be the last Campaign Notes I make for a while. They’ve gone from being something I had fun making to causing me to be burnt out. A case of biting off more than I can chew I think. 

The Campaign Maps will still be released each week and might become entirely an exclusive of this tier. I’ve been enjoying making those a lot and hope you still want to see more. 

This is just a PSA so no one feels jilted next week or like they’re paying for something they’re not receiving. After I post this I’ll change the tier description in the sidebar to reflect the change. If we make a map I feel inspired by and want to write a little quest about then I’ll do that but I don’t want to feel beholden to it. Hope you all understand.

- Cze

P.S. Thanks to everyone who has been supporting us at this tier. I really appreciate it. If you have any feedback on things you'd like to see from us, feel free to message at anytime, or send me a DM on the Discord.



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