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Hey everyone, this week's poll will last until Thursday but we'll be taking a break this weekend to catch up on some things, so the next map won't be released until around the 5th of May. :)

As always, drop any map suggestions in the comments below, in the Discord channel or send us a message.

We've been making a lot of buildings recently so if you have ideas for nature and exterior battle maps we'd especially like to those for a while. :D



Still would LOVE the Zen Garden, the Dryad's Enclave would also be useful!


Suggestion: How about a roadblock and slaver/bandit campsite with a few obstacles to make traking their path a bit harder. Love your work! Leon


You're in luck! Looks like the Zen Garden might win this week.


Great idea Leon, i'll add that to the next poll. I can think of a lot of cool variations for that already.

Aaron Ford

I think the Vampire Mansion (and all the variants that entails) sounds super interesting. I follow several map-makers and never seem to find a place that would suffice for a fancy feast/ball style get-together that isn't in ruins, particularly with a non-medieval flair. Something a little more Victorian.


Zen Garden Monastery it is!


I guess ruins are just more fun to make! Vampire Mansion did well so it might win next week.