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Hey everyone, we've got a pirate tavern for you. It's called The Roc Nest. Let me set the scene:

A small island, one of many in it's archipelago, ruled over by the empire. Life here is peaceful, there is calm and order. Pirates are seldom seen and the seas are safe. The empire brought democracy and justice to another backwater in the distant seas. The governor looks over his island, at his noble citizens and upstanding officers and is proud.

Little does he know that pirates operate in plain sight, right beneath his nose. The very pub that his officers drink in is run by smugglers. Even his dock crane is operated by brigands of the high seas. They moor in a tiny cove hidden by sharp rocks and the cover of an old Roc nest. They bring plundered gold and rum to this island and traffic it through the pub and the crane onto the rest of the island and the unsuspecting empire.


The map is spread over three floors: the basement, the ground floor and the clifftop. The basement is mainly a way to connect up areas and allow your players to take alternate routes and avoid either the pirates or the empire. There's a lot of possible ways to sneak around and many locks to pick so hopefully you have a rogue in your party. The ground floor is the docks, the pub and the caves. The clifftop is the the crane, the old nest and the road into town. The variations mainly affect the top two floors.

Maybe this helps you see the connections better:

We sort of combined the poll options of Port Pirate Tavern, Pirate Jungle Hideout and Hidden Sea Cove into one big map. Hopefully this will make a fine setting for everyone who'll be buying Saltmarsh next month.


For variations we have: day, several night versions, moonlight with beached mermaid, a ghost ship and cursed treasure chest, a bloody shipwreck with sharks, a sunset, a stormy night, a bioluminescent shore, a nesting Roc and some forgotten Roc eggs. Included for everyone is a version with all the pirate caves masked out as suggested by a patron on the Discord. That way you can keep it hidden from your players. In future we'll try to do this whenever we include secret rooms.

All map files are below!

Port Pirate Tavern $1 Rewards 

Port Pirate Tavern $3 Rewards

Port Pirate Tavern $5 Rewards 


Lastly thanks to everyone who's joined us so far on the Discord. If you aren't able to get on or haven't been sent a link, send us a message!  

We've been asked this a few times, so just to clarify: if you're already a $10 or $20 dollar supporter you will be getting the monster token packs. They'll all be sent out at the start of May. :)




Another awesome pack!



Domille's Wondrous Works

How do you manage to make SO MANY beautiful variations? Holy cow, now I need to find a way to fit this into my campaign....


This map is incredible! I really appreciate all the awesome story hooks, and alternative paths this offers!! Another absolute triumph, mate!!


Also, Great inclusion of the Thunderbird. Great monster. Looks like i'm going to have to build it into my world now!

Brock Badman

My buddy asked me if the counter is a giant banana (in the front part of the tavern) and now I can't unsee it. What is it made of?


The theme of the tavern is a Roc nest. The Roc is a giant bird. The counter is the skull. Compare with: https://boneclones.com/product/bald-eagle-skull-BC-068 An ale cask is lodged in the ocular cavity. Hope that helps!


This was excellent map for the Plank King’s Roost on Darktow Isle in Exandria. I love the part about the Roc! I like imagining the Plank King keeps it as a pet and occasionally the adventurers may see him fly up on it.