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This is a loooong post about the updates we’re making to some of the tiers and some other patreon related things. We value all the community input, so please give it a read and comment. :)

Map Scouts: Discord access.

Intrepid Explorers: Discord access.

Master Cartographers. We’re adding Discord access, this tier and higher will also have access to their own room for discussing map poll suggestions. We're removing the PSD file reward. Right now it takes quite a bit of time to clean up the layers and make it fit the 200mb upload limit. And as only 12 out of 200+ votes were for the PSD files in the recent poll it seems like it isn't the best use of our time. If anyone has qualms about this feel free to message us. We'd be happy to discuss these changes before going ahead.

Campaign Connoisseurs. We’re adding complex campaign maps to this tier (see the image below) and offering them in gridless, square and hex grid.  We will experiment with village/city maps too as they've been requested, they'd be exclusive to this tier too. We’re also offering up a set of campaign notes with each battlemap release. This will be an A4 (letter size) page covering prompts, NPC rumours, monsters, questing ideas, and more! These were free-for-patrons but unfortunately take a long time to create which is why we've put them in a tier of their own. The next set of quest notes will be covering the Drow Manor map set, available only for the Campaign Connoisseurs.

Legendary Archivist. Adding Discord access and a personalized character icon for use on Roll20, Patreon, Discord or wherever else you like! The icon will be in the same style as the tier and goal icons. Really this tier exists for those who want to offer extra support and the icon is meant as a thank you, not a regular give away, but for long term supporters at this tier we'll try to fulfill more token requests. :)

Intrepid Explorer/Campaign Connoisseurs campaign map comparison:

Special Offer

We'll be giving away three packs of monster tokens for free to the first 30 patrons who sign up to the Legendary Archivist and Campaign Connoisseurs tiers (if you increase your pledge, that counts too). Packs will be handed out after payments are collected at the beginning of the month. These will of course be given out to all those already at this tier.


It's up now! Please come and join the discussion! :) Discord will be patron-only!

It seems some Patrons didn't get the link. In your user settings you need to sync your Discord account with Patreon, then you'll join automatically and get your tier status.

Info on that here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-


We'd like to reward our long term patrons. We still have a lot of the patrons that joined in the first week and we think that deserves recognition (thanks so much!). So we want to set up a milestones system. The first would be for patrons that reach $100 lifetime pledge. For Master Cartographers that'd take around 5 months to hit and a significantly shorter amount of time for the Campaign Connoisseurs and Legendary Archivists.

We're considering campaign maps, character avatars, spell token packs or monster token packs as gifts to patrons who hit each milestone. We'll set up a milestone chart at $100 intervals, where you get an awesome gift for each one you hit, as our thank you for sticking with us.

If you have questions or feedback comment or message us. Or come and chat about it on the Discord!



The Crafty Dice

Informative and good post, about that Discord, it said invitations where sent already? Not sure if my inbox agrees :)


There's a whole bunch of people already on the Discord so it seems some people have been invited already. I guess you've checked your spam box? If not I'll message you a direct invite.

Jessie Backoff

When you say 'village/city' maps in the Connoisseur tier, do you mean maps of entire villages/cities or battle maps that are a small section of a village or city (like the marketplace map you did a few weeks ago)?


These would be much more zoomed out than the regular battlemaps, more like street plans with notes and labels for the different buildings. For an overview of a settlement, not for running a battle in. I'll try and post an example this week!

Luke Stratton

Anyone else not able to find the Discord invite link anywhere?


Hmm, seems like a few people haven't got the email. Not sure why but here's the link: <a href="http://discord.gg/RGAMJPG" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://discord.gg/RGAMJPG</a>


We've had some questions on the Discord about buying the tokens separately. They're available on our Roll20 here: <a href="https://marketplace.roll20.net/browse/publisher/327/czepeku" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://marketplace.roll20.net/browse/publisher/327/czepeku</a> Apparently no one knew about it, maybe we're not very good at getting the word out...


I think the Milestone suggestions are great!


That's a lot of text to read so early in the morning, but what my sleep drunken brain was able to understand is quite great. I'm so happy for you, that you've been growing so greatly and for sure hope it keeps up like that! The new tiers and the milestones also sound pretty neat!


Peku kept trying to tell me that no one would read all that... Maybe I should have listened.

Hanna Reinhart

How exciting! So many good things! Milestones are a great idea. :3


Thanks Hanna. I'll try and prepare some giveaways. It'd be good to give back more to those Patrons (like yourself) who stick with us for a long time.