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Hey everyone!

It's time to we go deeper.

Here's the next part of our Wizard Prison. If you've been keeping up with this series already, you'll have seen our first four releases. We like to think your players will have already lost their sanity getting this far. So good luck to them in this maze. We highly recommend using the Boon of Deceit variation too to mess with them!

Once they've gotten through the maze tongue they'll find out what's in the belly next!

You can find each part of the series so far here:

We hope you'll all be glad to know too, that from here. Things in the Wizard Prison are only going to get weirder.



Get this week's maps using the links below:

Wizard Prison Part 5 - $1 Rewards

Wizard Prison Part 5 - $3 Rewards

Wizard Prison Part 5 - $5 Rewards (Gridded)

Wizard Prison Part 5 - $5 Rewards (Gridless)


This week's map variations:



Thom Anthony

The maps files do not reference "maze" anywhere in the file name. This makes searching for the files kinda difficult, especially when you have hundreds of map files. Would really appreciate if the filenames would include more specific descriptive text.


:) Really pumped to use this as the "guts" of my mimic castle... >:) hehehe....


The file names are just the map names. For searching the maps, please use our website: https://www.czepeku.com/maps there's a lot of search options, theme, tag, series, etc.


Any idea how many more of these til the prison is complete? I'm realllly considering coming up with a powerful wizard to drop into my campaign and imprison.

augusto garcia

The finale of my campaign will lead my players to fight an evil god. I was having a hard time thinking about what trials they'll undertake to get there ... not anymore! Part 1 of this series will be their "rest" zone while the other parts will be the challenges they face. Thank you so much!


Each of the maps is designed so it can be used individually. This could be in the mouth of any ancient giant beast. Like the tongue of a Sphinx for instance.