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Sent out the weekly WIPs. If you haven't gotten yours and should have, please let me know. Keep in mind these are for confirmed patrons, so people who started their patronage in MARCH and the payment was accepted. If you're just now joining us, you'll be getting yours the start of MAY.

FOR 25 AND UP PATRONS! I will be holding your headshot stream FRIDAY the 22ND! So if you would like your headshot done, please leave me your reference and if you would like a specific expression be sure to let me know.


I WILL BE GOING THROUGH MY PATRON LIST AND CLEARING OUT THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN DECLINED FOR 3 MONTHS STRAIGHT OR LONGER AND HAVE NOT RESPONDED TO MY MESSAGES. Just to keep things a little cleaner and easier for me. If you get dropped because of this and want to jump back in, please do! :D It's nothing against you or anyone, just for ease of posting things and sending stuff out. I will be sending out one more message before dropping anyone off the list. So if you get it, be sure to reply and tell me what's up. We can work things out if payments are not going through. I can do them manually and mark you as complete as well.

I'm going to be playing a little catch up this month, as last month's two conventions I worked put me behind and frantic to catch up on work. I apologize for the delay but everything will be all caught up and running like melted butter on warm toast by May. (i'm hungry.. can you tell?) What does this mean? Basically that the pinup this month will be Judy. Everything else is golden. But I'm adding a few little extras in the pinup packs to try and help make up for the loss. Two conventions in one month.... never...EVER again... That's just too much.

AAAALLLL that being said, I hope you all are doing awesome! Thank you all for your love and support and I hope you're enjoying the content.

As always, if you have feedback, I'D LOVE TO HEAR IT! I'm always looking to grow and improve my patreon to make you guys happy! 8D

Lots of love to you all,




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