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First, I hope you all are staying safe and healthy. <3 We are trying to do the same.

So the current situation in my house has been making it near impossible to work. My son is home 24-7 and his school is closed, but providing school work and a bit of a curriculum to follow at home. My husband is still working, and does have a few days off each week. He works nights so he's out cold all day on his work days and some of the day on his days off as to not completely throw off his internal clock.

That being said, I am stuck doing a majority of the schooling and general time with my kiddo. By the time I get dinner made and get him wound down and in bed, I feel exhausted. (those of you with small children, I'm sure know what I'm talking about.) This whole situation has left me with little mental and physical energy at the end of the day.

Mondays and tuesdays, I've been able to eek a bit of work time in while hubs takes over with the kiddo and house duties. But it's minimal compared to my usual work hours.

To sum it up, please bare with me as I continue to try and figure out this new schedule to optimize my art output and work time, and try and work around all these obstacles life has thrown our way. Content will be spotty, I will work when I am able and try to figure get goals and stuff done.

In any case, i sincerely appreciate your support in general and especially through these rough times. Income is hardcore fucky for everyone, not just me, and your support and love and encouragement is a huge help to me, my family, and my job as an artist. <3

Thank you all and please stay safe.


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