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Needing suggestions to fill in the slots for the pinup poll for december!

Go ahead and comment with a character you'd like to see in the december pinup poll!

 🐡 You may submit more than one suggestion
🐡 It can be any character you'd like, human, non-human, anthro feral.
🐡 You can pull ideas from TV, movies, video games, etc
🐡 You may also pull ideas from fandom favorite characters like from fandom-made comics, books, art, that other creators within the fandom have made (ie, Mik by Tsampikos, Mihari, by Mihari, Jam by Miupix) I do need to get permission to use these characters, so if I do not have permission, they cannot be used. (usually the owner says ok though, lol)
🐡 It CAN be a general animal like a noodle dragon or pink unicorn boy or something.
🐡 I will be picking 2 from this pool. I'll use a RNG to pick one and I'll pick the second one.
🐡 Patrons will vote on the next pinup in a few days once all the payments clear. <3



M'Ress from Star Trek the animated series.


Adira from Twokinds


How about a bit more of your own Tifa? Definitely not enough of her about!


I want to see something feral and unconventional. How about a voltail wolver from Spiral knights?