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I hope you all have a great 2019. A lot has happened in the past year, some good, some bad, some life changing. But I have high hopes for this next year, I might be getting an office soon so I have a place to work again, as well as a new computer so I don’t have to be on my iPad! I hope I can grow from the things that have happened this year and become a better artist, business person, mother, wife, daughter in the coming year.

I love you all and I hope you continue to enjoy my content, despite the bit of instability at the moment due to space and computer issues.

There will be a part 2 to this picture. Stay tuned!

Here’s a sneak preview




Happy New Year's Rika! Here's to another one and I hope yours gets off to a good start ❤️

wugfish (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-06 03:39:59 And a happy new year to you as well Rika! I hope 2019 treats you well <3
2019-01-01 08:25:17 And a happy new year to you as well Rika! I hope 2019 treats you well <3

And a happy new year to you as well Rika! I hope 2019 treats you well <3