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Almost done moving in. Saturday, ended up having to take a bus back to Houston to help hubs with the kiddo (since they both stayed behind to finish their two weeks of work and school respectively) We got most of the stuff that couldn't fit in the u-haul, moved up to Dallas today. So now all 3 of us are up in dallas, but we'll have to make one more trip back down to Houston this saturday to clear out anything that's left and do a final walkthrough with the apartment. Which is fine, because that means the kiddo can see my parents for his birthday weekend.

But yes, I'll be getting back to work until Saturday. I have an idea I'm going to be proposing in another post that involves patreon pinups. I will be getting back home to Dallas on monday and I should be stationary for a little bit, so i can get some more work done. T

Last month was pretty crazy, things should settle down this month once our bills start settling too, so I'll be able to focus more on patreon and less on NEEDING to take commissions. I still have a 700 dollar pro-rate rent to pay with the old apartment and 400 soon for the new place, and after that, things should even out. Hopefully July I can really kick things off hardcore.

In the mean time, thank yall for being here for me and seeing me through a tough move. <3



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