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So again things are slow, but this time for a better reason. Hubs did get a job again after the bit of no-job time there which caused a huge slow down right after i said things would pick up in the new year. Things are still slow while he gets his first few weeks under his belt, but in the next coming months, i will be moving somewhere that money won't be a huge problem like it is here.

Basically, what's causing the slowdown is not being able to focus on a lot of the stuff i want to do on patreon, like the ask blog and streams and stuff because I'm having to take commissions to pull rent, childcare, and bills on my own. Rent alone is 1400 dollars and my kiddo's school is 220 a week. This isn't including food and utilities. So I just have not been allowed the time i'd like to put toward patreon while hubs has been unemployed (and while he's getting settled into the job)

Now, where i'm moving, i get to drop that 1 off the front of the rent there, and with utilities it comes out to being about 560 in total. I won't be struggling and freaking out about rent and bills and childcare anymore, i'll be living with some longtime friends, and things will have a chance to smooth out. Hubs will have to find a new job when we get out there, but even if he doesn't, i dont have to struggle to figure out how i'm going to pull 2k out of my ass for the month. :D So i'll still be able to put forth the time to patreon like I had been planning!

Wish me luck, everyone! And thank you so much for your love and support, especially through tough times.



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