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THANK YOU ALL for your patronage! Sorry for the slight delay, I'm just getting over a fun bout of bronchitis. BUT anyway, a few things. Some of you didn't get my emails last month with your large individual files for the Patron Appreciation stream. Something's been going on with my Gmail when I try to send files... If you had one from last month and did not receive and email from me with the individual image, please let me know in a comment and I will send it to you a different way. Then there's the next patron appreciation stream! IF YOU WERE A PATRON FOR NOVEMBER, PLEASE LEAVE ME A REF HERE OR EMAIL ME WITH YOUR REF SO I CAN PUT YOU ON THE LIST FOR A HEADSHOT!! The stream will be held on Monday 8pm Central time and will run to 12am central. So please leave your refs now. :D I'm still finishing up the Pic from the request stream last month, being sick as well as thanksgiving stuff put a bit of a damper on productivity. No worries though, and I think you guys will like it. ;D I'll be sending a sneak preview to those of you on the tiers that allow it. And lastly! For reaching the 400 goal last month I will be doing some extra little fun things this month. One will be a speed paint, the other being a tutorial! So please give me your input on what kind of tutorial you guys would like to see. <3 TL;DR The sickies and thanksgiving made me slow but I have some fun stuff for you this month. November patrons, leave me your refs for your free art. I'm doing a tutorial, what would you like it to be on? And THANK YOU ALL <3



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