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 I should make these posts more often to not leave you guys in the dark with what I'm doing and where I am currently. So far, this month has been me working on the game and updating my models. I got done with Amanda's model, and lastly need to work on my last playable character model so that I can finally get rid of that RPGmaker avatar 😒

I will just jump straight to the point with my progress so far. Firstly, still working on the story, but the setup has been finalized. I just need to write it out and see how it goes when assembling it. Secondly, enemies have been planned and are finished, but need to fine-tune them when it gets close to release time. Thirdly, playable characters need a lot of work. Descriptions and how their skills work need to be refined as I'm jumping all over the place. Finally, the map I didn't get worked on due to my obsession with how combat is suppose to play.


But yeah, that is the progress with the game. Oh, and the last images of the post are AI-generated concepts of characters I'm planning to make. Hopefully, they will come out amazing when I get to make them.


Anyway, I should take a break on the game and work on patreon requests as those are stacking up, and I did say I would be working on them this month. Well, that is all I have to say so far with this post. See you guys' next time. 👋




As long as you're consistent you should be good