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Hello! I hope everyone is doing well this week! Sorry for the lack of content this week or this month. I've been focused on other things, which is making models and planning out my game. And also playing games like World of Warship Legends and Helldivers 2. I should be getting back into release some content for everyone next week!

Okay. Now for the other news... I might have to move my Patreon content to Discord or start another paid service page(Which I don't wanna do), due to me discovering new rules for Patreon regardes to NSFW content.

If you wanna see the rules, here they are: https://www.patreon.com/policy/guidelines#sexually-gratifying-works

The rules just seem very vague to me in some areas that I'm really unsure if I should keep posting all of my stuff on here. I had a friend, Aswababa, who got their page nuked with no warnings. So I'm scared this will happened to me, if I keep doing this. 

I have no idea if just uploading ZIP files with all the content and having the post having SFW teaser would do the trick. So I'm thinking of moving my paid content to my Discord server to play it safe, but of course, Patreon Bot for discord has it's own issues with distributing roles to my paid members.

Anyway, that is all I have for you all. See yeah!


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