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Hello everyone, I was faster than expected with the bigger update~

There are lots of things added in this update and I will mostly let you find them yourself, at least itemwise, while the description of the new attacks and influence of the new weapons will be added with the next QoL that will follow soon.

First of all here's a list of things that were added this time around:
- All non-Dungeon enemies got one new win and lose scene, that is unrealated to your sex so you can get it or choose it no matter what you are.
-New system for lose scenes, there are more than 1 lose scenes now so you get one randomly fitting your character.
- Herm... You can now, at least with the new items get to the point to have both genitals, giving you the oportunity to get all scenes with just one character or play however you want.
- A new character might wait in one of the mercenary camps just wanting some attention~
- A new area that you can find in the swamp, the coast with a new set of enemies all with their own set of scenes.
- A new side area by the coast with new people to meet and new items to get.
- Around 20 new items, some in the new areas, some by your trusty traders.
- This update is around 80K words and has a lot of new systems in place, that make a good foundation for the next few updates.
- A bit of sidestory through some of the dialog and scenes.

All in all that's it, with 80 new enemy scenes and 20 new scenes/shortscenes for everything else it's a good amount to be added and improved on with the next QoL.
I hope you'll enjoy this and do tell me if you find any bugs at all ^^.
PS: Yes I know some of the items might be hard to understand at first, I will make the QoL update quick so you know the math behind this horendous systems XD.

Download link: https://shorturl.at/bO489


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In the future, I would love for cases where the scenes are random to prioritize unseen scenes. But that probably makes the most sense in whatever update adds a gallery that tracks what you have seen!