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This is the first update for Redemptions Keep and it's not focused around new content but rather to improve what is there...
There are a few new side areas, a bit more NPC interaction and a lot of system changes, so if you want to update your current save, just go to your home and click the update button or start a new file.

You were pretty clear that you wanted more lore and story as well as a lot more items before anything else, so that is what happens first, there are some new items and a lot more build up around the existing world in this update, and the next one will build on that too as a big amount of items will come with that one, all with special effects instead of just doing something small.
The next update will also introduce the new coast area with a bit of new content, while at the same time the existing world will be worked on even more, and yes, I know that people want more options for the existing battles so the first step will also be that maybe even in the next update, herm will be a thing that can exist, it's a bit harder to code and a lot of things to write for this so it's just a maybe for now, but it will definitly come in the future.

As always thanks for the support and I hope you will like the new update.

Download: https://mega.nz/file/2MBWwZ5K#TEXzdsJ6wfg0Tpt4MyExuZ5nTo8VF0eVuv7kMCmsrvM

In case that link doesn't work like last time use this one: https://shorturl.at/fOS15

What follows now contains spoilers, just as a heads up.
New content:
- The NPCs in your home now have a bit of dialogue so you can at least have some informations about them and your surroundings to get what is happening with you and the world.

- The Farm got a bit upgraded with a third step and small changes, the first step gives 2 gold per done fight the second step gives 4 more Gold and the third step gives 10 more gold, to a bonus of 16 Gold per fight when fully upgraded.

- There is a new resident waiting for you in the woods if you win against all three dungeon bosses.

- A new skill system, this will only take effect from now on so you wont get old skillpoints. You can now with each levelup upgrade one of your abilities, making a special build possible.

- The option to use codes at Mike, just for those of you that played DL to the endings ^^

- You can now fully rest at your camp but resting raises your lust, so maybe use the new function at your camp to satisfy your urges, and either do it vanilla or find some of the 3 new sex items that a new merchant sells~

- Because gathering gold was a bit hard for many there are now two new things for that, either you sell your wares to one of the merchants outside your home or you visit the new mercanary guild, that has one location in the woods and after finding that one anotherone appears in the mountain area. The leader of them will give you some quests to earn some gold and XP.

- The cursed collar is now in Mirandas stock.

- You can now type in your own name so some of the Npcs will talk with you in your own name.

- There are also some other new items that might have some sideeffects to them, usables as well as some new equipment.

- The option to let the enemy go.


pro chaotic

seems using the rest option can let you bypass the lust limit, nothing major though, resets back to zero after satisfying it. honestly might be cool for some kind of bad end by having it go too far.