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Hey everyone, no easter event this time around just an update with a few new extras.

  • If you visit the cave dungeon/ The area before it after finishing the dungeon you should be able to speak with the person, includes items to lower your lust, a new companion and a new special item~

  • The farm dungeon is now update with a map, also having two new scenes included one bad and and one new companion

  • The new corruption system is now in place, all scenes that include you using your "Curse" now require a certain amount of corruption, for example, in the forest you have no need for it, but in the desert area you are unable to use your Curse against the enemies duo to a to low domination level.

    You can increase that stat by doing the scenes that are marked as corruption gain scenes, and when you reach the threshhold to level up someone will visit you in your camp~

  • Other than that a lot of small and biger fixes as well as some QoL, this month was a bit less but still has some added features ^^

    For those that haven't seen it I now post in discord and on my public accounts the Tales of Ahras, short stories 1-3k words with an image that tell some backstories about the land that Redemptions keep takes place in.

    For the future, next update will be an overhaul of all scenes, so that your bodytype will be more talked baout in scenes, and more changes happen after losing to enemies, as well as a slight rework of the fighting and skill system to make it more understandable.

    After that the way to the future will be set and from that point onwards bigger updates will appear, either in the next or the one after that will also come the romance option for villagers~
    I hope you like the update even though it isn't gigantic ^^

    Download link: https://shorturl.at/rzFW4



hey is there an updated ending or tf guide by chance thanks!