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That's right!  In the spirit of the season, I've resurrected yet another dark and brooding cutie.  Alexis!  I'm almost happy with her, but she still needs some work to be 100%.  While I was at it, I also worked on building her mother, Genevieve.  She's based off of something else I was working on, but has found new purpose in my dark magics.  The two of them don't get along very well.  That's a shame.




I think it won't be long before the two of them get along better. After all, both have already internalized how much their body tuning affects their environment. Alexis is only annoyed because she hasn't found a rich sugar daddy yet, who pads her spindly body with the necessary silicone.

Mr. Phoenyxx

Hey Mom is hot! :D


Interestingly enough, Alexis shares more traits with her father. This includes his business acumen as well as his taste in women :o