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Considered some kind of April Fool's post, but decided I didn't have anything clever enough for that.  Instead, here are a few cuties.  I'll try to crank up the sexy for future posts.



Mr. Phoenyxx

That gold dress in the last image looks incredible!


You can see in the last picture that she is still struggling with her new future. Maybe it's the pain of her breast surgery and lip augmentation - right after the birthday party for her 18th birthday. Or maybe it's the hard program of fitness and diet, which she now follows even more strictly for him. In any case, she holds her expensive gift tightly in her hand and the designer dress looks just fantastic with her new plump fake curves. Her new lifestyle is still too fresh for her subconscious to completely dive into it. But Mr. X will know how to motivate her further.


Indeed, you don't become a knock-out by accident. I will do my best to keep these cuties on the right path ;)