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As I seem to be perpetually busy, I never feel I have the time I'd like to devote to making renders and art.  Still, I do get a little time to play around, so here are some of the experiments and scraps that I've managed to fully render.



Mr. Phoenyxx

Oh my goodness! That Gamer Girl is awesome, but that blonde in WHS is just jaw dropping!


I keep tweaking the gamer girl, Shelby, trying to find just the right balance for her. I feel she's pretty close. I'll leave it to you to guess who the blonde is under all that plastic ;) She DID turn out pretty well. I might think about uploaded the rest of her 'tests'...


Wow your work is really fantastic. I could only dream what you would be able to create if you could make this fulltime:O


Thanks! I wouldn't mindbei g able to devote more time to it, for sure. Only so many hours I the day and my real job takes up far too much of it. Glad that others can find enjoyment from something I view as a hobby! :D