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So here are my main focuses for the next update:

1. Reorganising the hub system so it flows better and feels more interactive rather than tedious. It might still feel a little half baked and lacking options, but future updates will expand locations the player can visit. The main goal is to set the groundwork properly.

2. Expanding the dates so that the characters have more than a date or two to go on with the player, ideally I'd like to aim for 2-3 additional dates per character for this next update, but it will more likely be just 1-2 extra per character, with future updates providing more.

3. Putting Roxanne into the game as a dateable character. She may not have any wg scenarios initially, but I do want to finally put her into the game. With her added it is unlikely that there will be many more characters and I will focus on fleshing all of the existing characters out. There might be a few more here and there depending on how things go (and whether or not anyone new signs up to be a $60 patron or not).

4. Adding more NPCs to the world, more characters to just flesh things out a bit, some of these characters would be "skill trainers" who the player can interact with in order to learn new skills. Others will just be background characters to make the setting feel more "lived in." Though there probably won't be very many initially. In turn, expanding the skill system slightly to include more skill relevant dialogue. This will be an ongoing process though, and there won't be any major changes initially.

5. More weight gain scenarios for different parts of the game. I've outlined my three "tiers" of relationships in the game previously, but at present, all of the dates are for the second tier, where the player is officially dating a character. I'm hoping to add more in the first tier, where the player is getting to know a character. The third tier is planned to be included in later updates, as it is more of a kind of "endgame" content.

6. More weight gain scenarios in general. Ideally I'd like to put 2-3 in per update, but that depends largely on the size and scope of them. Most likely it will be 1-2 per update with other content being expanded as well.

So right now I have a fair few ideas for weight gain scenarios that might affect one or multiple characters, depending on how things go. I'm putting down several options below, this will determine the priority of each when I am working, but hopefully I can get multiple scenarios complete, but if not, I will focus on the most popular ones for now.

This is multiple choice, so feel free to vote for whichever ones you like the most. If you want more info on an idea, or have ideas of your own, comment below!


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