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Sorry for the delay! Here is the new update!

(Don't worry about the folder name, it's still the proper update)


It's probably the most overly ambitious I've been, and unfortunately I wasn't able to fit everything I wanted in, but it should still be a fun and unique adventure for the game. I'll be picking away at it and a few other storylines when I can in the future, so if you check back on this storyline in a couple of updates, you'll hopefully find a bunch of new content for it!

As for the next update, it will mostly just be connecting things, expanding basic features, maybe adding a few more date scenarios for characters if I have time. It will mostly just be to make things smoother and make it so that scenarios can be found organically rather than having the "old book" be the only method for finding them.


Miguel Amat

Hey am I missing something? II can only get the aquarium dates for most girls and content ends shortly after. Unless I'm in the old content, I don't even really see weight gain (besides one beach scene, which gets undone anyway)


The game is in a bit of an awkward transitional state right now, where I'm trying to integrate the old content into the new format. So the weight gain is mostly confined to there for now, but will slowly get added to the new format over time, as well as new content that fits the "day cycle" mechanic a little better.


I'm really quite perplexed by this update. I tried playing it for a few hours. There seems to be no content for any of the girls after like, 1 date each, and Emily especially is just stuck in my home with no new content. It kinda feels like a slap in the face that the "new content" button took me to a time travel adventure with a dozen new characters, but there's still no way to hangout with any of the other girls past 1 date, except for the REALLY old content on the fridge book.


I'm also confused, I'm trying to do the japanese content but there is no way to have it triggered, I think the open world mode of gameplay as well is really jarring and unpleasant to work with while trying to find the endings and scenes I want to see in game, the old way is definitely better.