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I'm planning on doing a weekly discussion of weight gain scenarios. For this first one, I won't really spoil anything, but please let me know in your comment below if you want to avoid spoilers here. It might make the discussion a little difficult, but I'll see what I can do.

The goal of this discussion is to provide information about what I'm planning for the future and what you'd like to see more of. This can be specific ("I'd like to see a storyline where the character gets a cursed necklace that makes them fatter over time") or general ("I'd like to see more real-world scenarios")
Basically, contribute as much or as little as you want. Feel free to ask questions or provide ideas!

So onto the info:
I've got a specific "storyline" planned with each character. An event occurs that causes them to gain weight. These will be known as the "realistic" scenarios. These are the "true" storylines in a sense. They'll mostly be focused around the girlfriend dealing with her weight gain and the player's attitude towards her.

I also have "magical" scenarios, stuff where magic powers or sci-fi gadgets cause weight gain.

Each of these is further split into subcategories:

  • Oblivious (Where they don't even notice the weight gain, or act like they've always been that size)
  • Personality changing (Where their personality changes, and they become obsessed with food/gaining weight.)
  • Sudden (Where the weight gain/other effects happens all at once.)
  • Temporary (Where the weight gain/other effects can be reversed.)
  • Over time (Where the weight gain/other effects happen slowly.)

The goal of this categorising is to make it easier to organise it all and work out if I've got too many of one thing or another (For example, with the current release of the game, it's pretty much all sudden stuff.)

Some planned examples:

  • A clothing store that sells cursed clothing, either fattening people up overnight, or gradually over time. (Would probably have a mixture of scenarios. The player would help their GF pick out an outfit, and depending on the outfit picked, the different kinds of weight gain occur)
  • A device the player finds that can transform people. (This is kind of already a part of the next update, but I plan on expanding it into its own scenario).

So if you've got an idea for a scenario, let me know, once again, it can be as specific or as vague as possible.


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