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So thank you all for being so patient.

Here is a copy of the new stuff. It's much more linear than the previous builds, but that allows me to add a lot more content more frequently (so you're not waiting months between tiny updates anymore).

You can basically only go on a first date with Emily for now, but I'm hoping to add some more scenes throughout the week, so there'll be more content very soon!

Give it a go, let me know what you think! I'll be posting some polls asking about what areas should be focused on the most soon.


Patreon doesn't like links, so copy and paste it into your browser.







I took a look through the images and found something called reluctant feeder. Why would our character be reluctant?


It's a part of a later storyline. It'll make a bit more sense later. It's called that mainly because I just needed a name for it.


Enjoyed the changes! While it feels shorter right now, it also feels a lot less repetitive than before and the story is more interesting.


Yeah, it's much easier to add stuff to now, so it won't feel short for too long. The repetitiveness was a major problem, and one of the main reasons I changed it.


Can you make this for android?


Honestly, probably not. I would need to resize all of the art to make it fit an android screen (otherwise it would be clipped off, or stretched) which is a ton of work I just don't have time for right now. Plus the entire UI would need to be redesigned for mobiles. And the biggest problem with this is that google play doesn't allow games like this (pornography). It's something I might consider much, much later in development though.

Theboy Inblue

It says that the file is gone.


This is a very old build of the game, that's why. The latest update (which is pinned to the top) has all of the content this one had, plus a lot more.