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Had to do some non-art related work this week, then I ended up getting food poisoning. Yay.

On the plus side, it's given me time to think about the project. Things are progressing much more slowly than I'm comfortable with.

I'm having a problem with the development of the game at the moment, I'm wondering if I'm going about it wrong. The base mechanics without characters is obviously less than compelling for most of you. I might try and develop the game in two different ways simultaneously, almost as two separate games. Basically, I'll have the sort of "base code" where I focus mainly on developing mechanics, in order to get those all sorted.

I'll also put the dialogue and events into a separate part of the code (probably as an entirely different file) It'll be linear, but it should give an idea of how the girls interact with the player, minus all of the "game" parts of the game. This one would essentially be a standard visual novel sort of thing.

Thank you all for being so patient, but as I'm sure you know, the way things are going currently isn't working out. By keeping the story and the gameplay separate I should be able to work on both more completely. If this works, it'll end up getting future updates out faster than this one has been.


Going to put the early versions of the game into two separate files, one that tests gameplay and the other that tests characters and their interactions with the player. I'll combine the two later.



Take all the time you need. I'd much rather wait for a masterpiece then have a rushed and broken product. Also, I hope you recover from your food poisoning soon. :D


Thank you! Luckily it was only for a couple of days so I'm back into doing things now!


Glad to hear it! Can't wait for the next update. :D