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Version 2.8B Changes & Fixes:

  • TRF rescue Event fix (was caused by Female Only Filter)

  • Chitsu Game Over fix. No longer turns into Tsumi magically.

  • Changed Disclaimers/Screen at start of game, and broken instance of title screen if left too long.

  • Fixed bug that affects After Flushing voice lines from toggling properly. (Dirty only)

  • Fixed bathroom related filter description for comments (Dirty only)

You can copy & paste your save from an older version into the new versions save folder. Free Version save files will not work with the Patreon Version.

What's New!

This update has over 100+ updated images to existing and new ones too. A lot of these are assets that I just didn't get time around to updating in game yet. It's a lot of updates so they'll be in no specific order.

Fast Travel: Fast Travel option for morning added. Unlock locations by visiting them now (You'll get a pop up). So far 1 new and 2 existing locations added. I still don't want to send the player directly to Shrinkex in the morning so the coffee shop is the closest. You'll need to visit the locations in this version to unlock them.

Toilet Related: I'm going to type this stuff mostly in the GC/Eka's threads so people don't read something they don't want to. But they've been overhauled. For players who avoid bathroom content/talk etc only the following will you need to know:

  • If Dirty Filter is ON, she will only ever pee. 

  • Can now do AV tinies at any toilet regardless of outfit. Also updated AV descriptions slightly.

  • Can drop up to 3 tinies in the bathroom for the hell of it.

  • Can flush toilets for no reason (or if it's your kink I ain't shaming!).

For those who play with everything showing, please read the GiantessCity Thread or Ekas Thread. A lot of you will like it as there's a lot of changes, new images and a ton of voice lines even. I gave in to the non stop requests >_>

New Morning Area: Tsumi can go for a jog via the quick travel option in her penthouse. The new area is for a morning jog and fastest way to lose weight for her. There are 2 new places to eat (taco truck/waffle cafe), a pawn shop to sell found items, a petrol station, and public toilet. A mirror has been added to Penthouse that also scares Tsumi. On return from the new area, Tsumi will check herself out in the mirror. Image shown scales with her current weight (3 body types currently that are shown above). The wardrobe jogging outfit option removed due to new area. She can still complete the beach run in her bikini.

VIP Floor updates: 

  • *New* VIP Menu added for more immersion. Can select more easily, with small changes to dialogue. (Still limited to 1 VIP meal per day for lunch).

  • All VIP meals have had the stomach model updated, improved quick eat all option, and count for 1 of 3 meals for lunch and track tinies like the sushi train

  • VIP Voiced: Now counts as a full 3 meals at lunch. Can still however eat 2 meals prior and have it as a third. Intro/Ending image set used in it has been updated with new hair style etc. (Not the eating ones yet as there's over 450 images).

  • VIP Naked Tinies: Now supports female tinies only filter by removing all 8 males. Speed of chopsticks sped up when eating a tiny. Layout changed slightly and added platform for Mysterious Tiny. Updated new stomach with pat option. Event DOESN'T count as one of 3 sushi plates for stomach image. 

  • VIP Voracution: Now costs $500 (original $1500). Handbag removed from table. Quick Eat icon moved. Image set used in it now updated with new hair style etc.

  • VIP Dirty Event: 'Renamed to Willing of New Phoenix' Now costs $250 (original $2000) and still reward/reimburses you with $500 on proper completion. Updated BTS, will now add weight, count as 1 of 3 lunch meals, remember willing micros eaten, stomach to show, count as 1 of 3 sushi plates for full stomach and affect going to bathroom next day for dialogue.

  • Vore Day Event: Updated over 70+ images of the girls and their animations to matching game ones. Added quick eat all option and can also now select which girl ate the most. Added (3x new) stomach scenes to show depending which girl ate the most if stomach filter isn't on. Event now counts as 3 meals instead of just 1 for the lunch counter (You can still do it even if you ate 2 lunch meals beforehand). Can now also be accessed via VIP Menu and not just receptionist.

Major Fixes/Updates (Should stop black screen/nonloading):

  • TRF rescue Event: Updated timing of loading and also made map a lot smaller behind the scenes. Fixed the SHIFT key that wasn't working in some instances. Can now properly shake the building. 

  • Dani Game Over: Added background image for Dani toilet pic in Game over. Updated Dani's Chest/stomach in all events to new models. Toilet bowl map (for dirty players only) has been remade from scratch. It's smaller but still big enough for Tsumi to be a micro in. Should fix the black screen issue as I've made it a completely different way from the last. 

  • Beatrice Event: Some typo's fixed, slight text changes, and few fixes to transition. Stomach updated to new model. Going to the bathroom will NOT be updated like the rest of the game and stay as legacy. Dirty Filter toggle added to her house. ESC menu is now disabled. Updated save crystals to new ones.

Misc image updates

  • All Dani, Ajia, Beatrice face/mouth's (talking or eating) close up images updated.

  • NP Embassy Tsumi images updated (Where she's in the background)

  • Bath event updated with new images and changes to match them.

Smaller Updates, Patches & Changes

- Trisha added to Floor 77 with small animated inside mouth conversation.

- Overworld tinies will now either crush unaware (default), or Tsumi will scare/tease them. You can change this by going to filters via ESC menu. Kicking chance removed as they'll be the focus of my next update to add a ton more to them.

- Trains updated to now be a map that you can choose to explore. Gives an extremely high chance for you to find a tcg card (twice daily) in one of the carriages. I will be putting an event on the train at some point also as didn't get enough time. Beatrice's train unaffected as she catches a different line.

- Sandcastles have a 3 in 10 chance for some unexpected dialogue OR loot when broken. 3 different types of loot that sell for varying values ($400-$7500). Added extra Sandcastles to beach areas, and 4 more to West Metro Park. Sandcastles still regen after every weekend.

- Chitsu Game Over: New short map where you control Chitsu and can find a little more lore, Stomach model updated, Removed stomach hole map due to stomach model constraints hence the new short map. (All stomachs in the game should now be on the new ones).

- Yufukuna Game Over: New short animated cutscene, Stomach model updated, Made some changes to a few dialogue etc due to stomach change.

- Game overs will show stomach scenes regardless of filter as it was changed in last update to reflect Tsumi only. 

- Added signage to Tsumi's office and New Phoenix so it's easier to find.

- Short story Privileged opens in the game browser now. You can read it from there! I'll be getting Ajia's one up like this and others in future as I have to pay a subscription to host them. I want them on my website too.

- 2x new animated title screens added of stomach. One showing full and normal speed, other digesting fast with differences.

- Added 2x light rain, and 2x light windy options to weather (6 total each).

- Tsumi's apartment lobby has a new look, maids appear on Tues/Thurs now instead of just Friday.

- VIP Area has new signage, save crystal moved over towards middle more.

- Added cancel signs to main map areas that are currently unavailable. This will make it easier to show where Tsumi can and cannot go currently. The city is currently being expanded in future updates.

- Floor 77: Ajia will no longer randomly face a different direction at her desk if she's there with Godwine.

- Fixed old code that was making Tsumi teleport back in time to her old penthouse after being cleared of charges after the court hearing in New Phoenix.

- Fixed the double fade out/in effect when entering Metro West.

- Fixed broken video link for GSim in gallery and removed the rest.

- Bird scare radius reduced by 50% to lower spaz outs.

- Flying birds added to Northside. Extra bird's added to Metro West Park.

- Patreon rewards sign. Changed to say $10 doesn't unlock save crystals

- Updated Information on TRF Scene controls.

- Fixed typo's in Talia's convo & Weight scale.

- Fixed shoe rack in house to not appear over icons.

- Music added to Metro Cafe.

- Yufukuna Lunch: Updated some text and fixed some errors.

- Bouncer added to Chisana's with 8 funny random conversations.

- Updated event tracker.

Phew! That's everything I think. I'm sorry this update has so heavily focused on upgrades rather than too many new things. But now these things have been updated finally I'm looking at next update to being about updating Overworld Tinies  heavily and letting you scan then to see if they're citizen etc before choosing what to do or helping them. I'll be looking at adding in a ton of extra small jobs for Tsumi at her work place too so it should finally feel like a proper game where she's doing something in the world.

A side note, if I've forgotten/not done someone's custom npc somehow then please let me know. I know of 1 currently but due to what happened with my sister, the move, paying back my loan, the troll going on again spreading lies about me etc the stress has been crazy and I'm still breaking down at times. Last week I heard that I have to move AGAIN in the next 2 weeks or so due to flatmates family emergency (they own the apartment).

Thank you so much everyone for the support in the past 4 months. Seriously I mean it from the bottom of my heart because this is the worst I've ever been in my life and some days it's really hard to even get out of bed at all. I'm really sorry I haven't been able to get updates out as much as I usually do but hopefully towards the end of the year will get better. This months artbatch unfortunately will only have the 4x Tsumi bath images, the digital one of Ajia eating tinies I'm having trouble with the artist as it was due a month ago now.

I hope this update was worth the wait!

EDIT: Also forgot to mention I didn't update the supporters sign or I wouldn't get this out on time before month end. Next update I will be updating with everyone who should be on it for the past 9 months or so. But it will also be the final one due to the poll results about it and how much time it saves me as it takes a literal day to sort data, remove dupes and cross reference everyone before adding them in.




Hello, new subscriber and new Patreon user here. Love your work! Can you please send the download link?


I'm a new subscriber. I have subscribed and would like to download the full version of this game


I'm a returning subscriber who has been gone for a while looking to play the newest update!


i am chinese subscriber and i want to have links


I say it everytime, but the amount of work and effort you put into the project is INCREDIBLE!


What a massive overhaul This is just getting better and better I hope you can find some good new place to live And, man, I feel you getting hard time. Sometimes you need to look around and have something to enjoy. Like playing video games, watching movies, or any other joyful hobbies. Me personally, I enjoy playing your game, haha. Anyway, I always wish you are well. Again, thanks for this huge update, and take care!


Thanks man, I did plan on playing FF7 Remake finally but now I've got to move, then I've got to start working on next update as I'll be trying to do bi monthly release again. So sadly won't be able to no life that for a bit I think haha. I can't remember if you were one who used to get black screens on either TRF hostage or Dani's dirty game over. If you were could you let me know if it still black screens! New saves I think it won't show.


Thanks man. Ngl this update did a massive toll on me with everything going on and not being able to catch a break. Hopefully I will now for next 2 months. I had to cut back on the past 2 artbatches sadly just to pay off the loan I owed for the funeral, then I get all these problems with the artists T_T


Well I did have black screen in Dani's bad ending, but that was far long ago. After a few updates and new save file, it was fixed.


Bro this update was amazing but again please take all the time you need we will be happy to support you threw your tough times and trauma please get the time off you deserve and relax 😌


TRF Hostage Event Note: Turns out having the Female Only tinies filter ON causes the black screen. It'll be patched in v2.9 but for now if it black screens, just turn the filter off and it works! Now I can finally make randomized buildings for this event mwahahaha


Chitsu's game over bug: Unfortunately Chitsu transforms into Tsumi if the game over is triggered via the box event (Getting caught by killing tinies in NP/Tiny in handbag is still working fine). I'll patch it in next update but in the meantime just avoid getting caught for the cardboard box one!


The update is great so far! One thing though, and I realize this has nothing to do with the update. I uh... Never figured out how to catch tinies. Every time I try, I end up just stepping on them. Can I get a tutorial? Or a hint or something if possible?


I'm sorry but it will require 2000 Overwatch 2 coins to unlock the hint. But since you're awesome I'll tell you freely :p If you press ESC and goto Filters option. Just scroll down the list (there's more than the 6 shown) and there's an option for Overworld tinies. It was a quick thing I chucked in so had to put it there. I'll try make it more obvious when I finish the update for them.


Think I misread looking back. But 'catching' them you can only do that atm by doing it in battle. To do that talk to Amika when she's in New Phoenix and she'll let you do some battles. This update only made the overworld tinies not squishable atm. But I will be updating to let you scan them then decide what to do etc.


Ah, that would explain why I never figured it out! I don't go down to New Phoenix too often. ...For some reason...


I have subscribed and would like to download the full version of this game