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Hi everyone, hope you're well.

  • TLDR: Game update will be delayed, but should be released before end of October (due to my vaccination on Monday). If I'm seriously out of action from it then I'll send it to everyone $5+ next month (who was this month) when I can get it out asap. Comic Part 2 artist search continues. Ajia story should be next month as just need to edit/images now.

I've been working away like crazy on the Tsumi update and juggling around with artists to see if they can do Tsumi Comic Pt2 to a standard I'm after. If you haven't yet seen the post below this one, take a quick look as they contain the finished panels from one of them that I've been trying. Unfortunately I had trouble with this artist as you can see from the 5 (there was actually more) revisions above. Despite the finished result, he was really unreliable because he wouldn't listen to what I'd provide and tried to just copy the reference examples used on the last due day twice. Only Tsumi was not up to standard but based on $115 per page and the unreliability I'm trying another artist to see how they go. 

Tsumi's game update unfortunately is delayed till towards end of the month. I really tried to get it done in time before my 2nd vaccination dose, but I'm just getting stressed out from it and unable to focus. I've got issues with the large Intestine animations but the renewed map will be in this update (I can't show a preview for obvious reasons of what it contains). If I can't get it out in time then I'll do what I normally do and forward the link to anyone was a $5 patreon this month when the update is live, so you'll get what you supported for/purchased!

Nanakra finished Ajia's short story, due to the update I haven't had time to edit it but I'll be doing that after this update and also getting some images for it this month. I'll be using different artists for it instead of the usual one who does my main images. Hopefully they'll turn out better.

One thing I've been pondering, mostly to get more lore out there, is if I can't find a good reliable comic artist for Pt2 soon, I may start getting Manga made of various stories in the world of Seracia (Name of the world the games are set in) until I do. It's about a third cheaper per page and easier to get revisions than full colour shading.

Alternatively if anyone here know's a good reliable artist friend within the community who I can support instead to get Pt2 made, then I don't mind checking their work out to see if it'll work too. I try to support people in the community first but everyone I look at is always too busy on commissions or a different style.

Thanks everyone for your support! 




Hope you don't feel too bad from the vaccine deal.. Keep up the good work!!