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Hi everyone, there's a new artist I want to try for digital paintings. This one is far more open to doing giantess/vore (Felox wasn't) but when it comes to pricing it's far more expensive than Felox for when it comes to commercial use ($400+ base alone). So here's what I'd like to hear your feedback and thoughts on.

First off, here's some pic examples from the artist

Now, this artist does have an affordable 'personal use' option for his artwork. This means that I can't exclusively give it to you guys on Patreon behind a tier, but sharing it on DA/Publicly I believe is ok (I'm still in talks with him as he gets to share them on his online portfolio etc). His price for personal use is in the range of what I paid Felox, except it can go nsfw, giantess, vore etc depending. 

The reason I want to get high quality, realistic images done even if it's free for everyone is for our community. We don't really have much of it at all in styles like these and it really brings characters and scenarios to life. Even if it's fine sharing publicly that receives the most votes, it isn't something that I can get done all the time but based on current monthly funds it is something I'd like to try get at least once a month if I have some savings left over from the rest of the work I do.



Those arts look great Maybe you can lure more patreon supporters if you have more cool artworks for the game, like some kind of advertisement Personally I don't mind because I'm supporting you for the game, and other things are like additional goods


It is nice that you ask what you do with the money we give you. I say yes. Let the message be spread though this patron sponsored art.

micheal yeager

amazing art is by the way is that jibril from no game no life


Alrighty, as no-one was against it I've put an order through to him now. It'll be of Tsumi in POV (Indulgence Dress/Hair/Heels) like you're on a dinner date with her on a penthouse roof with swimming pool and she's on a couch. She's just about to eat a micro sushi with one hand, glass of champagne in the other and looking right at you as she does it. There's going to be a nude version without heels also for it. He says he'll get it done within a month but not sure when.