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Hi everyone, this is a note for pirates, and the one who joined recently it seems. To the people I've been warned of (that I didn't ban at the time as you hadn't uploaded anywhere), investigated and banned from Patreon, I truly do apologize if you are innocent. Really I do but I'm not going to take chances anymore. If the person who not only unpacked the game assets and uploaded is still here. Congratulations, you've made me ban multiple people and who could've helped fund multiple things for the future, but will now seriously hate me and feel unjust if they were innocent.

Above is the Korean website once again, and thank you to those of you who had posted not to upload my stuff there as it really demotivational. I was working on the last page of the comic and trying to upload it by the end of the day/tomorrow but now I have to stop and take a breather to focus on it again. I've been so paranoid this thing would be pirated before it was even up for a month as I wanted to continue and finish the second half. Despite the length, the reason I kept it cheap and for Patreons was because I like to have people enjoy my work too.

But basically, you don't need to write my name, or Tsumi's anywhere for me to find my content. Also it's a huge waste of resources for everyone involved when I have to spend $1000 to people to let me know of any uploads I've missed. Now for the next 6 months that's $1000 again that is around 7 images.

Please don't pirate, I'm not some corporation making millions. I barely afford my rent with the rest going into content, and my health is seriously sucking right now. I don't need the hurt and extra paranoia, and I'm the type of person who hits back harder when I'm wronged. And I'm very stubborn even if it kills me.

If small time creators are being pirated, and with nearly everyone in our community coming across the work. Please understand that no-one in their right mind would want to try be a full time creator from how hard they see it is from those of us who are trying. Even more for those who make content out of passion and not some piss poor 10 minute video of a camera inside a models mouth and slapping on the vore tag.





"But you shouldn't be complaining, you hide it behind a pay wall! We're making you seen by the community, and you're getting exposure!" Also pirates: "Why is there such shit content in the community. I can never find anything that I like?!"


wished there was a way you could take legal action some people sadly only responds to discipline its no different from stealing

Señor Sanchez

Hang in there dude, the freeloaders that want the premium content are relentless loser bums. Stay strong and keep fighting the good fight! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbAbIz_BAuk


I can take action depending. Some places are harder than others to take content down. I know some other creators who can't be bothered and report entire caches as child content and those get taken down near instant, investigated and sent to the police from what I understand. I've had to report it a few times that way because it actually had my content uploaded in drives with that sicko crap. I'm not actually sure what's happened after but it might be why there aren't as many cache's that way and most pirated and sold content are now on discord channels. For the most part if I end up taking legal action it means I'd stop making content because I'd have to focus on that instead. It'd depress me to no end.


I feel bad for what happened to you, but I still firmly believe that more people are willing to support genuine works. Stay strong bro, we will always be on your side.


It's so sad seeing that this shit keeps on happening to you, then a again your fighting spirit is really impressiv, we'll chear you on.


Yeah you invest so much, but then when people pirate you don't get a Return of investment and are essentially losing money :|


And what you're asking for is not even a bank breaking amount your asking for either. :|


All I can do for you is raising my tier Hope you feel better


If you can do right in the world, always do it if not for yourself but others. Especially those to come!


Thanks Hamshoes! You'll probably be raising it anyway when I release the comic hahaha!


Thank you <3 At a rough guess I've spent over 14k in the past 2 years and most of it out of my own pocket as rent etc costs me 1.3k a month. Yesterday I calculated that Fiverr alone from 54 orders cost $5618, before fees etc. the rest are others outside Fiverr like the 3 digital paintings, voice actresses, other artists etc. Patreon takes around $150 in fees and payment processing each month. Even then with everything, it's not so much for me as it is having more good content and creators in the community. People complain about not having any good or niche content yet it comes down to this and motivation. The thing about yesterdays upload that hurt me the most was that they extracted the game files, put together the maps and made gif's of them. As a creator seeing your world being shat on without someone giving a fuck really breaks the motivation of game devs. It also means they could've been seeing things they shouldn't and it sucks the life out of you when you're hyped on seeing your fans reactions to it.


Good luck ─ I'm rooting for you!!