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  • The latest version of my games is always the highest version. This download may get outdated in the future. Also to save online storage, I delete older versions & links.
  • Save Transfer: You can copy & paste your save from an older version into the new versions save folder. Free Version save files will not work with the Patreon Version.

GiantessCity Thread - Click Me

Ekas Thread - Click Me

What's New!

Ass Insertion: One of the most asked for things is now in! If Tsumi has any 1cm tinies that she's bought or captured, she can then insert them at any toilet in the game. She can only have up to 5 inside at any one time, and they can be removed (cleanly) at any sink that is within the same cubicle as the toilet, or in her room. However, obviously using the toilet will remove any tinies that are inside. Just remember to wash your hands after inserting!

  • Large Intestine Map: (Only available if Dirty Filter is OFF for obvious reasons). During the Game Over III encounter, if Tsumi survives Danielle's small intestine you will now be able to enter her large intestine. Tsumi will need to 'climb' to get around this map. Previews of these images can be found in the GC & Eka threads under a spoiler.
  • Audio Logs: Have now been added to the game! There are 11 (+1 extreme dirty one) with various lore in them. I will be adding more and also looking to have other characters provide them too like Danielle and Ajia. You can track Audio logs you've found in the event tracker too!
  • Floor 80: Is now in the game to visit. This floor is not complete but I decided to make it available so you can explore a bit and also meet Jiayi, the CEO of Starkovia's Shrinkex main branch. This floor has high security and a secret that will be revealed in a future update.
  • Bios: Jiayi and Latisha have had their bio's added to the gallery.
  • TCG Cards: 29 new TCG cards have been added to the game. You can get them randomly like all cards but you cannot trade the 3 girls for them. 7 of the new ones also include panels from the Tsumi comic that I am working on. Some never seen before.
  • Login Rewards: Interacting with any save crystal will now detect the date. If you log in each IRL day, you will get $5000 and a random TCG card! Oh and trust me, you don't want to try abuse this by changing the date a lot. It can probably mess with your save.
  • Stock Market: Tsumi can now access the stock market via the tablet in her apartment, or her work PC. You can read up on some information of the 5 companies before you purchase any stock from them. Shrinkex stock will also affect certain conversations on Floor 80 if enough is owned. This is for a future update.
  • Tiny Personal Trainer: At GRP Fitness, Kevin & Kylie have been added who will try to help motivate Tsumi while she works out. They have a short intro aand if you drink a microwater there will also be quite a few conversation differences while talking to them on break. An image has been added to the heavy weight lift if they are equipped while doing it too.
  • Toilet Change: Due to the way I intend to set up uses for tinies (AV, Eat, Squish etc) I've had to update toilets across the game. For Clean players, I know that some of you love to RP with Tsumi. So for both Clean and Dirty players, toilets now have a 'quick' use option, 'filtered' if playing as clean, and 'full' will only show for dirty. I've also updated the 6 images or so with new assets from POV inside the bowl as Tsumi sits down. Clean players have a chance to see them now too if using the toilet option 'filtered'.

Smaller Updates, Fixes & Patches

  • Elevators in Shrinkex have been overhauled due to Floor 80. When using them you will now randomly see others waiting inside! The total time of using elevators before the change has been updated also so it may be faster or slightly slower in some cases.
  • Sinks across the game are updated due to the new Ass Insertion options. Nearly all sinks also can be used freely without needing to use the toilet first. 
  • Captured tinys (Item) has been updated to "Tiny (1cm)". The purchased ones from Tinies R Us store are converted into coupons for a future update. Next update I'm aiming to put in multiple uses for tinies, but for now they can only be used in battle still.
  • VIP Sushi Intro's now have a checker. If all Intros are turned off, then the game will detect this the next time it tries to play one, and will turn the very first one on. This is to stop game crashes due to it not being able to continue.
  • The arrows used in GRP Fitness/Running have been updated so you can see them better.
  • Game Over screen changed to be more generic instead of looking like Tsumi lost her tiny.
  • Indulgence sleeping bug has been fixed so you can only stay the weekend. 
  • Fixed the weird table floors in the Chitsu game over.

Patreon Tier Related:

  • Supporters sign has been updated.
  • Ace has been updated in New Phoenix's Embassy with 2 new random jokes and a new option telling a story of how he lost his citizenship, and got it back at Indulgence. Cali is obviously very jealous of how many female stomachs he's been in, but is very relieved he was never digested. Filthy male tinies!


Hi everyone, thanks for your support and hope you enjoy this update! My apologies on the delay, I wanted to make sure I got the Ass Insertion update done correctly. I had to change a lot behind the scenes due to spaghetti code for toilets and sinks so hopefully everything should be working correctly.

If there are no major bugs or anything for a few days, I'll send the link for the game to those who were $5+ Patreons in April that had unpledged.

I really need a break and you don't need another wall of text. So I'll make another post for this months plans and where we're at later on. Now I've got to work on the short story from Joyce, and Tsumi's comic after a short break.




Oh also one thing to note about Tinies that are captured. I can only make the game recognize if they were male/female/coloured hair etc through very elaborate way that I don't think is worth the time due to how complicated it will get. So if you capture a TRF soldier who's got pink/purple hair or so and choose to insert, unfortunately there's nothing I can do hence letting you pick what gender tiny you want to insert.


This is some quality update


I would love it if there was a diaper she could wear and use maybe later on in the game if possible thanks for makeing the greatest game ever


So I'm pretty new to RPG Maker stuff... How would you transfer your save? I'm pretty sure I need to copy some files over but which ones?


In the main folder of the game there should be a folder called 'save'. Go into it and copy all the files inside (should be global, and file1 or whatever). In the new extracted game folder just paste it in the save folder, if the save folder doesn't exist then make one (case sensitive 'save') or just save in game so it creates one then delete the contents and paste. I've heard that you may need to load the save then save again after an in game day has passed to load the new options possibily.


Thanks, it worked! I knew it was something basic like that. I used to know how to do all this stuff but it's been a while since I modded Skyrim.


thats ok maybe your next game you could ether way I love your work please just know I will always love your game


when I get eaten and pooped out the toilet seen don't show do I need to stat a new game because am useing a save file from the other verson


Er what? If you have the filter off and a toilet is used then it will show Tsumi sitting on it. They should play automatically unless you're using a save from the free version which doesn't work with the Patreon version. The only time extreme content is shown is in the Dani game over.


Tsumi survives Danielle's toilet sceen thats where am at wheres she has to run to that lab to find out about Tsumi it just gose black u can hear water drip it also my save is from a old verson from here


Probably will need a new save then. I'm not sure what happened. You can try loading the save, Saving again instantly and then reloading that same save again. Also for poor Bombur so he doesn't get notifications for toilet content they may not be in to. Post in the Eka/GC thread if you can please if there's anything else.


I will try a new game that could be why thanks if i find any thing else I will let you know


The game is awesome! I played the free version and decided to go for the patreon version instantly. Just wandering if there is any translated version. I just got too streesful by reading such vast text of English :(


Glad you like it! Sadly I don't do translation, not only would it take forever but also the game gets pirated so much by the Chinese community that it's stopped me from doing it when it had been planned. When I finish the game completely then maybe one day if they behave themselves.