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Hi everyone, hope you're well!

Sorry it took awhile to post this months Status Update, I was waiting for more images from artists and hoping Joyce would've sent me more of the story she's written.

So in no particular order!

  • Joyce did part 1 (2000/8000 words) of a story going into Tsumi Umi that I'll be looking to get images to go with too. They wrote it before stupid me realized I never told her how Tsumi's personality was so it totally isn't like her whatsoever lol! Parts of it are being changed and they've told me they'll have the rest done some time in April. For now if you'd like to see what's been done you can read the first part by clicking here. This story will have a dirty version as well.
  • Bio's of Latisha, and Jiayi (who's bio shall remain secret because she is the CEO of the Shrinkex building Tsumi works in!) are nearly finished. Floor 80 is the top most level of the building with a bit of a secret. Security's rather tight on this floor for some reason and will at some point have a playable flashback for Danielle and a rather sad love story with a tiny. I'm aiming to get the floor in at least so you can explore for some lore in the meantime.
  • Artist issue: 3 weeks ago I hired one of my main artists (the one who did Tsumi crushing a building/Danielle holding the boat/intestine levels etc) to do a few images for me. One is of inside a mouth looking out, and the other was of Tsumi so I can finally code in things for you to do with captured tinies (eat/squish/ass insertion etc). Unfortunately they've had family matters and weren't responding to me until today when it was due last week. They've said they'll get sketches done for me in 3 days but I'll have to wait and see what happens as I'm completely reliant on those images. This was supposed to be the main update for April. I'll see what I can get done.
  • Audio Logs are being added to the game! There are 11 (+1 Dirty one) going in the next update. They'll be around various places and are also added to the event tracker so you know what ones you've found! 
  • Stock Market is being added to the game. There are 5 very complex companies you can buy and sell stock in each in game day. They each have a small company bio you can read (above 2 examples) and prices fluctuate randomly. 
  • Daily IRL Login Rewards: I've added a reward structure at every save crystal in next update. Every time you log in on a different IRL day and interact with a save crystal you'll receive $5000 and a random Trading Card! Pity I can't make the game mobile for you guys :c
  • Small Gym and Personal Trainer event. Thanks so much to my best Patron for sponsoring the image! in GRP Fitness there's going to be a scene where one of Tsumi's personal trainers (male or female choice) will help motivate her while she's lifting weights. 

That's about it for now, I've been held up by the artist sadly and really wish I had more to share for it. I just really hope he can do the images for me before 10th April. Felox will also be doing the next (and last possibly) detailed image for me but of Yui at giga size this time. That will probably be beginning of April, if he opens commissions again I may get one of Danielle and Ajia if I can. I've got more I'm looking to add in Aprils update but I won't say what they all are just yet as it heavily depends on the artist, and I may need to find someone else to do the images I need to do this update well.

Thanks again everyone for your support! Wishing you and your families are good and safe! 




Finally we can do stonks in TsumiUmi Can't wait to buy GME


Out of curiosity, will the stock market do anything besides potentially getting me money?


At the moment just a way and small thing to try get more money. Don't really know what else to do with it past perhaps having some contracts affect if the stock goes up or down in a day if I have time.

tortoise man

Hope to increase the scene of the heroine's excrement when she goes to the toilet