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  • Please read before voting! Contains Pro's and Con's as it affects my development and launch time.
  • I would also like to know in comments what you liked about GSim originally! It'll help me a lot.

So I've been thinking about this as it's brought up quite a bit recently. I hadn't planned on working on Tsumi Umi for more than a year though despite everything that's happened it's still relatively on track for how I wanted it and I am looking to get it finished to a high degree before the next game. Tsumi basically was a playground for me to put together what I've learned and see if it worked well and if I can make it better the next time I have to create an event. It also allowed me to add in content like a monthly dlc and it was working general well.

For those reasons, after Tsumi I always thought to go back to Ascendance to remake it. Not many of you know about Ascendance or played through it so I know Yui's not exactly known to most of you I think. Or that she's too gentle and playful (you've seen so far) to be likable for some.

The differences with Ascendance was that it's for giga lovers (but still events would be giantess/normal size etc) and it was mostly all story. You'd have a hub town you look after, you have other cities in your kingdom that you can destroy for any reason at any time if you wanted and people would be terrified if you did and mention it every so often. But the story was linear and branches off with side quests etc. Near the end it shows how it ties into Tsumi and Kiyomi. 

Giantess Simulator however I have so many people liking far more than Tsumi Umi I know, I'm honestly not too sure why past Kiyomi being a real giantess, and is quite relatable. 

But I do know people loved it for the ability to have her how you wanted (good/evil), the replayability it was to have and consequences (whereas Tsumi is her weekday played out each time). Basically GSim is a mix of Tsumi gameplay and Ascendance for story and what I consider to be my baby. Consequences in GSim are mostly in the form of how people reacted to you and the ending.

One problem I was going to have with Ascendance is that I doubt I'd have the main area up and running (then adding on other areas/dlc updates etc) within 2 months. I have the same problem with GSim whenever I go to do it because I need to factor in all the resources and buildings you can repair. GSim for the most part when not in a story mission, sure you can visit as a normal sized person but it has a focus on gathering resources and repairing your city. Things like randomized areas to attack were being added later on (Remember the Giga POV event?)

The other problem I have with GSim is that due to the nature of doing Good and Evil stuff (usually in the same event and having it calc what she's more attuned to before tinies know whether to scream and run or hug her). Basically I'm doubling up on events and it may not look like I'm spending much time on things despite the amount of work that goes into it. It's kinda like the VIP update last week, it looks like just one event but there is so much randomization and making sure it works. 

Even when I was going to work on the next game, I'd still do updates to Tsumi time to time (tiny partner etc). But GSim would not be out any time soon just yet till I finish Tsumi but it will help me focus on the story parts going into Tsumi. Also I'll need to think up a new name as everyone seems to name their game Giantess Simulator now :/

One thing about Kiyomi however, she isn't as dirty minded as Tsumi when it comes to a dirty filter. Meaning there probably won't be anywhere as near as what's in Tsumi with the filter off. 



I voted for gsim because I prefer the city setting, I like how in gsim there is an option to capture tinies to later eat them, I'm also a fan of the good/evil choice. Thats probably a reason I like the TRF hostage rescue event so much in tsumi umi because it lets me eat innocent citizens instead of those non-citizens that are in the sushi. Overall I'm willing to wait for gsim.


You're probably not part of the discord server are you? :p https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/739055406831239189/808364066065481748/unknown.png I was meant to add in a few options for tinies captured/bought in this update. But that bastard pirate stole all my motivation when I was on a roll. It'll be going in but I'm not sure when, I want to try for next update. Also you'll love what I've been working on last night then. Let's just say it involves micros and a straw.


I'm currently not in the discord server yet. And that upcoming update does sound ver promising and I'm looking forward to it :) . Btw, would you consider adding an option to secretly capture citizens from New Phoenix so Tsumi can have fun with them at her apartment?


You should join, don't need to talk or anything but I usually share stuff there long before Patreon so I can get feedback a bit or just show it off. For example the digital painting of Kiyomi's there at the moment as it's a WIP as well as unedited/put together previews of the Tsumi comic. And I had planned on doing something like that. But they wouldn't be differentiated from other tinies captured as it'd be too much for the game to remember. I've been meaning to get rid of that city in her apartment but I know a few people like the options so far.


It's best if you update your Patreon with your discord and it should auto add you. It's because each month the Patreon bot is the one who controls auto access as some channels are hidden depending on your Patreon Tier. You can join via here though: https://discord.gg/GkN5Wmkw


Hey I always said I started here for GSim so my vote goes to that haha! Though in saying that I was a big fan of the Ascendance demo so honestly either way would work out fairly well as far as I'm concerned.


Honestly I'm surprised there were many people who played Asc considering it's buried now under so many posts etc! I guess my humour in it's damn good XD


Both option seem good. I don't mind either. You can and probably will do both long term (2-3 years i suppose) and i would like that. I will probably be still here supporting (maybe with couple short breaks). What I would like to see is how ascendence connets to your other storylines. On the other hand half of topic but... what i would LOVE to see before that for sure (or maybe simultaniously if you do the ocassionally small updates to tsumi while work on your other projects too) is a 4th game over event with Aija. This is a suggestion or a request but only if you would like or you feel like you don't have any ideas to Tsumi this might be one. I love l(v)ore (as you can see from my interest between ascendence and your other stories) and if you will do it someday I would love to see it beeing aware vore like the first 2 gameover event and not unaware as the 3rd Daniele one. So the most impartant thing would be that the characters do according to their personality and Aija is Tsumi's friend but maybe she finds it fun or don't think of her as a human anymore as a westerner tiny (as we could see with her personality in the past). Or maybe Aija got really angry with Tsumi because of some kind of agrument etc.. . Also she could (mukbang) stream the whole thing. . Of course this is not a hard request just a soft one but if you are out of ideas this is a cool one I think personally. And also the one I would love to see the most since there was an event with Daniele too. Why not have one too with Aija. Also the reason the event with Daniele was unaware was because of her personality but maybe with Aija and the circumstances it could be an aware one. Sorry lol, the main thing was about my silly idea/suggestion and not about the question but at least I answered that too lol.


Thank you for the vote of confidence! I was going to show a bit of how ASC ties in with Tsumi's storyline when I get to it, but I'll probably end up changing it slightly when I finally get to ASC. It's not really in a way that you'd expect either. Never thought to actually do a game over with Ajia yet as I don't normally think about game overs anyhow. I've got so much to do before I look at them. I've got a commission I need to do for a game over but it's with Chitsu again I think and I've got a lot to do before I can even touch it. If I did one with Ajia and it was aware though, she'd end up fighting herself most likely. The problems with game overs are also finding ways to make it happen and not just "oh I shrunk" for no reason in the same spot.


It's ok. It will take time maybe never happen but if you have lot to do and you have ideas then that's what matters and I also understand that if you have commisions with higher tier patreons that is a higher priority that's ok. But if with time you have unique ideas with game overs don't be afraid to make more and also I prefer game overs to be at least 2-3 month from each other to feel more unique. That also gives you time to figure out different scenarios. And with Aija that can be a good plot, was really angry at Tsumi argued and maybe revenged something but in long term she regreted it. And again take your time focus what you want (other games now first) I am looking for them too it's just you have +1 idea with Tsumi updates and if you are out of own ideas and higher patreon tier commisions you will have this option