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Hi everyone, your artbatch folder is updated for June with 2 new images. If your link isn't working please send me a private message so I can check and update you!

I apologize as I'm still currently working on Dani's story arc, and having only 2 images for this months artbatch. I've been sick for the past 2 weeks nearly needing to be hospitalized and had to use some funds for the dr bill and medication. I'm nearly able to breathe normally again but still recovering with whatever influenza this sickness is. I was hoping to have the next V&D comic to publish but the artist is currently behind on orders, and I couldn't afford to get the other comic artist to do a page this month due to medical expenses.

So today in this post I'll explain what's going on with the game and why this update is taking longer than expected.

Story arc's (SA) were always going to be different from the main game and it's why I left them out until the last thing. I want a complete story that's memorable, people will like and talk about, and something that tops Shrink High in its own right for years to come. If I made SA's early on then some updates you might be forced to replay them and that ruins the overall feeling.

With Dani's SA, there's going to be 3 perspectives as you'll be controlling Dani, Nico, and Tsumi. All 3 have different objectives in their goal to save Dani.

  • Tsumi will be following leads within Shrinkex and New Phoenix (which will unlock some more daily work things she can do after) and primarily be the one talking to Jiayi due to her director status.

  • Dani will be going about trying to find more info on Jiayi within Shrinkex with Nico. (Oh look you can finally knock out that poor security guard!)

  • And Nico who has the most to explore (due to the amount of people requesting more tiny controlled events and maps) will be able to explore New Eden and take evidence of what's happening there so they can tell the world if they can't convince Jiayi to let Dani go. As Nico you'll be in his dystopian (example map above) city seeing the lie he grew up in. And optionally be able to trick people into using their strikes with good or bad intentions.

  • On top of all 3 in the story line I'm looking to make loving events with Dani and Nico as you saw some map assets in the last few months. The artbatch images this month have 1 image as cutscene for when Dani met Nico (those on discord saw a bit of the map where Nico could run around on for that flashback), and the other image will be a map Nico can crawl around on with Dani (Don't ask! XD).

All in all, the update itself is probably going to be a bit bigger than Japanihon's one, and that was big if you included the whole city and Alex's minigame areas in it. But since around half the content is playing as Nico, that does take me longer as tiny controlled maps are far harder to make without them being the same basic assets and walls of text story most other rpg maker games do. And you know how dead boring that stuff is to me if I can't show the story rather than tell, or illicit a feeling from a player or feeling of power scale. Same reason I don't use a padded out battle system to extend game play.

So yeah, I hope you can understand why this update is taking me longer than usual and not wanting to release it in smaller parts like I do most content. I've given up mentally also and will be visiting the dr when I feel better hopefully this week or next to see if I can try anti-depressants. Hopefully I'll be able to try something cheap that works if only to get my life more back on track.

Thank you again for the support, and sticking with me. I know how much it sucks having to wait. And as I've been asked a few times. Yes Alex's minigame will be updated more but probably not until after the random girls update after Dani's story arc. I wasn't happy with how the frog boss battle was going and the maps for it and need to go back to it when I've got my creative bit on track for that part. Ultimately when Japanihon's story arc is done it will be finished as it ties in heavily to Miyu and why she is suddenly normal sized again and what happened with Alex after.




Quite ambitious. I look forward to it and hope you get the healing you need.


Get well soon Daichi! Is the discord open to joining? If so, I’d love to check it out.