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Here's a video I made this morning in which I show you guys how I work out the composition of my drawings that I sell on eBay. As you can see from the video I start out very loosely, usually working from a photograph or a poser app (which you will see at the end of the video) in order to get to get inspiration or to use it as a guideline. And sometimes I make decisions during the composition process of certain things to change or to alter. And then finally I use a marker to determine the main line work so that I can then trace it again on the light box on to White cardstock. At that point I then flesh out the actual drawing.

In case you're wondering, the padded sleeve on my pencil and marker is something I fashioned for myself to use whenever my hand acts up. Some of you may remember back in 2015 I injured my hand and had to take two months off. although I recovered for the most part, I still have occasional sensitivity issues.


Mr. Metzger

For me the most interesting among your behind-the-scenes videos so far. Just so fascinating how you start creating from nothing but a piece of paper. And that's no fast forward, is ist? Yet, most lines seem immediately on spot, seemingly just flowing out of your pen.


Looking forward to this weekend when I can watch the video. Do remember your injured hand back then.