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Trip to the beach with Goldy! what could possibly go wrong!?




I have to say, I like all the other characters but I just hate Goldy <_<

Huw Gryffin

I think I understand where you're probably coming from, but I have to equally say that I LOVE pretty much all of the characters, including and even perhaps (a little) especially Goldy. Goldy, to me, offers, through her incisive intelligence, the edge in her personality and the abrasiveness in her demeanor, the contrast in this tale, which makes the other characters' contrary and, in many respects, alternately attractive features, beyond mere looks that is, where to my eyes, this beautiful girl, on merit alone, more than holds her own, truly stand out. I may not be far enough into the story yet (I am quite a ways behind) to know what has transpired with regard to her life and relationships, but I sadly feel that she may never be able to get over the profound insecurity from which she clearly suffers, most likely, at the very least, attributable to her "abuse" by that bastard of a father of hers, and which manifests itself in the ornery, intensely competitive, perpetually combative, almost destructive facade that she, at almost all times, holds out in front of her like a shield, in order to keep everyone off balance and, at the very least, at arm's lengths. Goldy is, for me, a truly sad and poignant character, who, through little fault of her own, begs for all the compassion and tolerance with which we, in this fantasy context of course, may find it within ourselves to afford her. Inside herself I sense an intensely intriguing and, for me, immensely attractive woman. I suspect that for her truly loved one, she would be a fanatically loyal, fiercely possessive, yes, probably stiflingly so, partner who would fight to the death over you. So I, for one, shall always wish for her "redemption" and ultimate happiness for, from my perspective at least, this gorgeous redhead, is full to the brim (albeit meticulously hidden) with all the shining aspects of that precious substance so aptly enshrined within her very name. Sorry...I got carried away.