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The scene is Felicia speed-running and Goldy and Renee are watching.

This is livestreamed and people can send superchats that the narrator reads out and then they comment on it.

So if you guys want to write some, that could be something fun for everyone.

Just few rules about it

1. only few lines (superchat and 0-5 responses from the characters) if you can only think of some funny superchat and no dialog, I might or not do some reply's manually

2. don't use any non-TOS shit, "bannable" words and try to avoid touchy subjects, just use common sense on this lol if i decide it's too much I wont use it.

3. Try to keep it in the context of the game and not real life

4. have fun and don't get offended if I not use your msg!

Also, choose own username that the superchat is send by, if you don't, i'll give it one

And last, here is an example: (gdc is the narrator-announcer)

gdc "Five bucks from stinkyballs69 and he says, great stream and great cause! Keep it up!"

f "Thank you, stinky."

g "5 bucks? Only 5 bucks for such high class entertainment? And it's also a charity for fudge sakes!"

ren "Don't shame the donations you idiot."

g "I wont if he donates 10 times more! 5 bucks is nothing."



Joblow Spaghettio

Is it too late for me to be in the game?