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Just finished compiling and coding the rest of the animations for this update. Well, not all, 2 more animations i need to fix (render 30 frames in each) and this is gonna be done by tomorrow. So tomorrow most of the the stuff is gonna be finished.

I only need to do the music coding, few "rewards" renders, and basically just tidy up the code and it's ready for testing.

While animations were rendering, I finished posing few scenes that come after this update, and all the animations for the last lewd scene in ep21. And I also finished posing most of the bonus scene single renders. I will start posing the animations for the bonus scene after 20.6 is done and sent for testing.

So... 20.6 is gonna have most of the content that's left for the full ep21. After this update I'm releasing the full ep21 when the stuff is finished for it. And the size difference... God dammit why I can't explain this lol what the hell is wrong with my brain!?!

Okay, so...

EP 20.6 = 3 lewd scenes (read: scenes with multiple animations)

After this comes full EP21that's gonna contain one more lewd scene and of course the bonus scene for the SE version. Got it? lol

And right now that last lewd scene (animations) are rendering, the single renders are already rendered for everything. So the wait for the next update is not gonna be as long as this one. It will only depend on the speed of rendering animations. Basically same as always.

Also i just wanna add that I'm not happy with the speed of this update. I've been busy a bit during it but I was also working on the game non-stop. So posing, coding and modeling wasn't the issue. I finished all this stuff already like 10 days ago or something. But waiting for the animations to finish rendering... I'm rendering on 2 PC's 24/7 and on my main every single night. Some of the animations are longer then usual and there is more of them. One of my rendering rigs was out of commission for few days only while i was upgrading it. It's out of my control, but I still get anxious about it lol 




You're going an amazing job


Good things take time and your work is always good.