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I finished coding over 5.5k lines, that's most of the stuff for this update, and posed few scenes. Two more shorter scenes are left to code and pose as well. After this is done the coding has to be all cleaned up, add music, replays etc. And of course the rendering of the animations has to be done. Got few of those and the speed is just slow unfortunately. It didn't help that I also had to redo two animations with Felicia :/ But it is what it is, it's mostly minor things left to do that will take few days.

So I'll be focusing on that as well as doing the patreon loop for this month and two more special renders. I think I will also start modeling some environments for the next update while all of this is done rendering.

Not much more to report, a lot of work has been done in the last week and the release of this update now only depends on the speed of rendering the rest of animations.



Bob Fink

Looking forward to the next release.