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I'm aiming to finish ep20 by xmas! But I'm not sure if that's gonna be possible. We will have to wait and see I guess lol

So what's done by now? All the animations are done posing (3 lewd scenes main game + 1 lewd scene for bonus scene) Coded two long scenes, rendered almost everything I have posed for now (except animations, single scenes are rendered) for animations a lot are done rendering, like few for one scene of the three is left and the bonus scene animations.

Modeled 3 new locations that are attached. I'll post full size images on discord btw so you can check them out if interested.

Now I have left to do posing on few more scenes and coding all of this. of course.

So, yeah. That's it for now. Talk to ya soon.



Bob Fink

Sounds like awesome progress to me! Have an amazing Holiday Season!