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There are like 2 more animations that are rendering for the bonus scene so we have to wait for them to finish. Coding is done for the most part. All the dialog, "New game " questions, variables and replay thingys. I add music when it's all finish so that will come after the animations finish.

For ep19 I still need to do few simple poses/renders and that's it.

The coding part of this episode was damn long. I worked only on posing and left coding for the end. So all of this coding day by day... Usually I code a scene and there between posing scenes and such, gotta have to return to that lol

I also worked on episode 20 a bit. Modeled a new nightclub, worked on some modeling for bonus scene and I started posing animations today while waiting for this stuff to finish.

In the image is the alternative "new game". In case you don't import your save, don't have it or just wanna do quick paths you can either answer questions and set stuff in details or use this new option to set quick paths. This took a bit to make since im a total coding noob. but Qleaf and the66 helped me out when i got stuck, so big thanks to them.

Anyway, that's all for now. Go away now. 



James B.i

Hope to see Jenna and Vanessa meeting soon 🙏