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Where to start... Hmm... Let's just get into it I guess (do i even have to say it?)

This is gonna be the last update for full season 2 (17.7) and the full episode 18. The game is already bigger (if not bigger then around it) in size then all 12 episodes of season 1, so I have to do it.

The update itself is pretty much the largest from all this 17.XY smaller updates I was doing. It's already around 3600 lines of code without any animations "coded". All the renders are done and the dialog is coded. And all the animations are rendered.

Bonus scene part 2 is coded and all the single scenes are rendered, but still need to finish rendering few more animations. It's gonna be 8 in total for the bonus scene.

Besides this, I've also been posing episode 19 and finishing Jenna's room 3D model (in Vicki's apartment). And i posed 3 animations for now.

PS: i say rendering a lot lol dunno what else to say? if i say "i need to finish a animation" that can mean finish posing it. But yea lol Now I'm just rambling like always! Okay... Take care!



Joblow Spaghettio

Goldy, stop looking at me like that. My heart can't take it. Also, don't stop looking at me like that.

Bob Fink

Sounds like amazing progress and can't wait to play it.