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Episode 17.6 animations are almost done! So beta should be done after I finish compiling and "coding" them. Other than that scene is fully coded, as well as the "meanwhile" scene. Like 2-3 days or something.

Main scene for Episode 17.7 (single scenes) are rendered, and I already started rendering the animations.I will be adding another simple scene to end the episode, and I'll have to pose it still while animations are rendering. (PS: when i say simple scene it just means no animations in it, it doesn't take to pose more then a week)

Now, bonus scene! I finished posing and rendering a lot for it. This time I will make much bigger bonus scene since I have so much time (while rendering animations). It's gonna be in 3 parts, kinda like the xmas 2020 bonus/edition/standalone or whatever the f*** that was lol 

It's gonna be two girls so I will have more work on the animations.

Attached Image is the 3D model for the main environment of the bonus scene.

BTW: if i type "rendering" one more time just shoot me




I have two girls in mind

Bob Fink

Sounds like good progress, can't wait for the next release.