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Damn, don't you feel like time fly's by so fast? I do a weekly update and then in a week i think, few more days until the next one... But then, I'm a day late lol that's what she said! what?

Anyways! Episode 17.2 is pretty much done. I'm waiting for one animation to finish (2 more days or so)

Everything else is coded, sitting at 306 images and 13 animations.

I also posed everything for the Episode 17.3, all the single scenes and animations. And right now I'm working on posing animations for 17.4.

Not much more to say. I've been working non-stop and loving it. Episode 17.2 is gonna be out by monday I think. After this one animation finishes I'll have it ready for testing and then release after that.



Bob Fink

Awesome news! Can't wait to play it!